hello I present to you my project . My goal, make my roadster my hands and tools . with a maximum of pieces can recover for money . first excuse me for the bad english any mechanics from a 1929 chevy . manufacture of chassis, but it is not definitive . for the metal rails are 4 "to 2" U-shaped . support gearbox chevy back in service . the carrier placed on the frame . Here the chassis rests on hold. the body is currently fiberglass, but not for the future . the fiber body will serve me to copy in metals .
as for the construction of school my body, I take the example of work mindover . http://www.jalopyjournal.com/forum/showthread.php?t=596032 it really is a master in the matter of metal . dvd with you can help you for the good work . Here are website . http://www.metalshapingzone.com/sho...hf7yvktbv964rSffBDvmexJCQYfJeNb4j&shop_param= I do my best to do a good job, but it is not won
Hi again Mika,i liked the concept of your T last year and i see you have been busy ! I like your attention to detail on the chassis work and 29 Chevy mechanicals are very very cool indeed. Will follow this build with interest. JW
this roadster body or rpu ??? I will decide later, I make two bodies stamping cowl reinforcements. it take a little time I did glean from photos on the internet and I measures the fiber shell. but good shit I die is what rock & roll we look at what it will give . reinforcements in 1.2 mm . Mesh Baskets in some sheet metal . folded edge for rigidity . I assure you it will be inside
Mika, the bodies are the same,its just the pickup bed and the trunk that makes the differance as these unbolt and can be swapped around. My RPU was a roadster and changed to a pickup sometime in its past. I like the metal work you have done looks very good. JW
reinforcements from above the cowl . Here we see the poor quality of fiberglass body . measures and cardboard template on the hull. bending of metal sheets to the door jamb and the top of the dashboard. and bending the shrinker door pillar according to the template. Following another day
This is looking very interesting!! I will be following and learning from your skill.. George in Texas
with a jig box I reproduced in the upper cowl into 2 parts. Here they are in one part. prepared to make 2 body first welding boxes, I believe that I have not finished weld
Hi dont copy that body if you want a body that look like a original ford. That body is wrong in so many ways Like on your cardbord template where you have a-b-c on a stock body there is no turning out toward c. Its a even radie from top to bottom And i think the lower front corner on the door needs to come out about 2 inch And behind the the door the bottom of the body is totaly wrong and the bottom of the body is to straight it should have an even radi from firewall to behind the door
hello yes I make two replica body 26/27. but I'm not trying to make a perfect copy of a ford. the greater will be the line. I do not have original model, I made ​​my way one can have. this is not the best way but it is a replica. What you think , hot rod or not hot rod ?
the first firewall I did not want to repeat too much of a model 27, I find it too big and smooth I like art deco so it will be this style . sheet metal stamping in a cardboard template . beginning with the place of molding for the serial number plate . folding the edge of the tunnel and the edge of the box cowl. as with of course the bead roller here is the result of gross cold few hours in the garage .
This is very, very, good work. Tres bien! Sorry, that's all the French I could muster! Cheers, Stewart.