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Projects Building My First Roadster in San Francisco

Discussion in 'Traditional Hot Rods' started by J.Ukrop, Sep 7, 2020.

  1. J.Ukrop
    Joined: Nov 10, 2008
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    Yes we are!

    Funds. That's the main motivation there. I think I found some other things to sell, so I'm going to hold on to them for the time being.

    No event that I know of. I'll just be returning the red engine to the seller.

    Yes, we'll be dropping the pan and cleaning it, removing the clutch and inspecting the flywheel. If that all checks out, we'll run it.

    True, true.
  2. J.Ukrop
    Joined: Nov 10, 2008
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    Sidebar 820: Cleaning up our act!

    Saturday's objective was a straightforward one: clean up the engine. In the past 75 years or so, the old flathead had accumulated plenty of dirt and grime. Since we already know that it runs, we decided it was time to make it look the part.
    To kick things off, I covered up the valley and scraped away the remains of the old intake gasket. IMG_0990.jpg
    I then used every tool in the arsenal to chip away as much crud as possible.
    I pulled the starter, and David explained the finer points of the Bendix and related hardware.
    Next came the foaming degreaser and the power washer, neither of which had any issues decimating the dirt.
    Fun with flatheads!
  3. J.Ukrop
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    And here we have it: the cleaned engine. Next time, I'll hit it with a wire wheel and paint it. (Longtime readers will know what color it'll be.) Like I mentioned before, we'll also be dropping the pan and inspecting the clutch and flywheel while the engine is out of the car.
  4. J.Ukrop
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    In other news, the brakes I bought ended up being unusable. Both were out of round and measured 0.090 over. The seller claimed they were "ready to bolt on," which couldn't be further from the truth. Despite my efforts to contact him via phone and text, he's gone radio silent. That one hurts.

    At this point, there's nothing I can do other than keep my chin up and continue to move forward. From this day on, I will not buy drums without using a brake gauge. Simple as that.
  5. Tim
    Joined: Mar 2, 2001
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    from KCMO

    Looking good! And at least you’ve got loaded backing plates. That doesn’t sound super cool until you start pricing every little clip to make your naked backing plates functional.
  6. J.Ukrop
    Joined: Nov 10, 2008
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    David gave me the loaded backing plates off his old roadster for my birthday in May, so I'm thinking these may go up for sale.
  7. Tim
    Joined: Mar 2, 2001
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    from KCMO

    Cool. I’m sure you can flip them and come out where you started easy enough. And even if the drums are toast you could selvage the hubs or use them to make a chassis’s roller for mock up etc . Always handy to have around
  8. Just a side note...did you measure if the shoes are oversized? I'm not saying it's great to do or recommending it. But I have seen more than my fair share of oversized drums with oversized linings to fit them. Regardless with the drums being out of round they're junk. They warp super easy when they get that thin.
    winduptoy, Six Ball and 41 GMC K-18 like this.
  9. Six Ball
    Joined: Oct 8, 2007
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    Six Ball
    from Nevada

    The mines in Virginia City are deeper than the bed if the Carson River a few miles away more than 2000 feet below. I suspect some of them are nearly 1/2 full of the remains of those who screwed someone in a deal. Find the guy and we can give him a free deluxe mine tour. The deluxe tours have never had single a customer complaint in over 125 years.
  10. J.Ukrop
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    A postcard from tonight's adventure. I'll share the full update tomorrow.
  11. Budget36
    Joined: Nov 29, 2014
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    Those are 40-42 hubs/drums right? Boling Brothers is supposed to make the best reproductions (no experience, jus HAMB reading) but not cheap.
    oliver westlund and Six Ball like this.
  12. Budget36
    Joined: Nov 29, 2014
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    Just thinking on my way home, I have a 40-42 drum, I think it was Alchemy here who said it was a reproduction drum, which may work in your favor assuming it’s not been cut OOS. I’m going to use the later style, and found a set of matching reproduction drums to use for my hubs.
    Anyways, I’ll pull it off at the end of the week and see what I can fashion up to get an accurate reading on diameter. If it’s good, it would get you 1/2 way there.
    Six Ball likes this.
  13. J.Ukrop
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    Thank you so much for thinking of me. As of right now, I have two front drums that measure 12 even and 12.010 that I bought from a local Early Ford club member. They may need to be turned. My plan was to get these other drums to avoid the turning process all together, but that clearly didn't work. I'll let you know if the two existing drums don't work out.
    winduptoy, Ragged Edge, Nobey and 3 others like this.
  14. cabong
    Joined: Nov 29, 2005
    Posts: 903


    Great photo !!!
    41 GMC K-18 and J.Ukrop like this.
  15. HelmuthBrothers
    Joined: Oct 11, 2007
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    from New Jersey

    Killer shot! Love that license plate light!
    badgascoupe, 41 GMC K-18 and J.Ukrop like this.
  16. 41 GMC K-18
    Joined: Jun 27, 2019
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    41 GMC K-18

    The "947" roadster, is always attracted to neon drenched places of history and culinary adventure, with just a touch of late night danger and gritty city " NOIR "

    When I saw this picture you shot of the Silver Crest Donut shop, I said to myself, there has to be more to the story of this place, so I did a little digging on the net, and indeed, there is a rich history to this late night hangout.

    In the publication " SFGATE " June 10, 2009, author/journalist Chris Colin wrote an article on the Silver Crest, titled
    24-hour donut people / Four decades on their feet at the Silver Crest.

    WOW !

    This article is exactly the style of writing that captures the heart and soul of this place, this article will give you the lowdown on this vintage hangout.

    I encourage you and anybody else that loves to peel back the Formica, to see what makes it stick, this is a great article.

    Put on the Tom Waits album " Nighthawks at the dinner " Que up " eggs and sausage " and read this article, its guaranteed to put a smile on your face!

    The next time I am in San Francisco, I will definitely go check out the Silver Crest.
    Other places listed on some of the revues were

    " Orphan Andy's "
    " Grubstake "
    " Mo's grille "
    " Saint Francis Fountain "

    Thanks for staying up late at night and touring the gritty underbelly of the City by the Bay!
    Thanks from Dennis.
    Last edited: Jan 18, 2023
    winduptoy, Outback, J.Ukrop and 2 others like this.
  17. Tim
    Joined: Mar 2, 2001
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    from KCMO

    Thought I’d share this as it felt like the same era for 2.0 no sound so maybe turn on some tunes. Lots of good stuff pops up, just about the time I click fast forward I’m like shit! What was that?! Rewind! Lol

    mrspeedyt, Outback, drdave and 4 others like this.
  18. Six Ball
    Joined: Oct 8, 2007
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    Six Ball
    from Nevada

    Very cool!! There was a hot rod scene before the SBC! That reminds me of when my big brother took me with his friends to the drags in Amarillo during the same time frame. The "PLUGS" from Canyon, Texas. What a variety of vehicles. I'll guarantee a lot of those were family cars being raced without the OK from the parents who owned them. Lots of sports cars and amazingly finished & strictly competition built racers. Thanks Tim!
  19. Tim
    Joined: Mar 2, 2001
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    from KCMO

    It’s fun that those cars are local, that was filmed a few years before the club helped open the first drag strip, the nationals were run there shortly after. The 1956 nationals are on Amazon prime under the name “hotrod film” or something generic like that. Hours of it if I recall correctly.

    In BOTH cases I see cars that are still cruising Kansas City and Omaha that for the most part look just like they did then and 99% of the time are still owned by the same guy.

    About 3 minutes into the one I shared there is a black hemi powered morris roadster. It’s actually on a 34 ford frame, the chassis had several different bodies on it over the years. We are still gathering information but best we can tell it was built when he got home from ww2 and kept it until his estate was cleared out recent-ish around the same time passed. The frame rails changed hands and now my buddy is building a radical hot coupe on them.

    sorry for the side track. Just thought I’d ramble a second until Joey does his 2 am weekend update (tm) ;)
    Outback, J.Ukrop, Six Ball and 3 others like this.
  20. Six Ball
    Joined: Oct 8, 2007
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    Six Ball
    from Nevada

    The Nationals in '57 were in Oklahoma City. My brother and his his buddy were there. I have a decal he he brought me around here somewhere.
  21. Tim
    Joined: Mar 2, 2001
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    from KCMO

  22. J.Ukrop
    Joined: Nov 10, 2008
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    Hey everyone!

    I haven't forgotten about this build and I most certainly haven't forgotten about this thread. I appreciate everybody's replies, patience and, above all, enthusiasm. As I'm sure you can surmise, 2023 has been busy for me. I've doubled down on my writing, and I'm working every day to improve. I have some exciting pieces in the works, some of which I'll share on here.

    Right now, I'm in Palm Springs with my girlfriend and her family. Everybody is getting ready for dinner, so I figured now would be a great time for an update.
    Saturday started with a very fun assignment: retrieve David's engine stand from our friend Justin. He lives 15 minutes north of Petaluma in Penngrove, and we hatched a plan for me to swing by before I headed to the shop. When I arrived, he had his roadster parked outside of his barn. Talk about inspiration!
    The license plate was recessed back in the day. Same goes for the taillights. I love how far apart they are. Not something you often see on contemporary builds.
  23. Welcome to Palm Springs. Winter here, high in the mid 60's. Windy tomorrow.
    I hope you have a nice visit.
    winduptoy, J.Ukrop, Outback and 2 others like this.
  24. douglasb
    Joined: Feb 4, 2007
    Posts: 179


    Will be cool to see it with the v8/32 frame at trog in april
    J.Ukrop, 41 GMC K-18 and Six Ball like this.
  25. Tim
    Joined: Mar 2, 2001
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    from KCMO

    Shit hard to beat that! 100% hotrod right there!
    J.Ukrop and Six Ball like this.
  26. ModelAMitch
    Joined: Jul 8, 2022
    Posts: 246


    Its taken me forever to read through this thread, but Im sure glad I did. Awesome stuff on version 1.5 and Im excited to see what you do with version 2.0.
    I'm trying to slowly hotrod my 28 Model A I acquired last year and this thread has provided me with much inspiration. Thanks Joey, looking forward to what you come up with in the future.
    winduptoy, J.Ukrop, pprather and 2 others like this.
  27. J.Ukrop
    Joined: Nov 10, 2008
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    Jumping right back in, now typing away from my hotel room in Scottsdale, Arizona (more on that later).
    Last Saturday, I was focusing on the new flathead. Once I had the engine stand back from Penngrove, I proceeded to lift the V8 with one of David's chain hoists. Soon thereafter, the engine was in position and ready to be partially pulled apart.
    Strange to see this thing without an engine.
    Just like that, I pulled the pan. What did I find?
    Gunk and sludge.
    Plus crud in the oil pump screen. No metal or traces of metallic debris, which was good to see.
    Oh, and did I mention sludge? About 1/2 inch of it in the rear of the pan. It'll all get thoroughly cleaned before it all goes back together.
    As many of you know, this was some pretty messy work. But with the sun out and my hands moving, I had a great time learning more about this engine's internals.
  28. J.Ukrop
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    Next, I pulled the clutch and flywheel.
    Complete, except for it's missing one of the bolts to attach it to the flywheel. We'll measure next time to see if it needs to be replaced.
    A detail. I wonder if this is stock or aftermarket?
    While I was working, our friend Jerry stopped by in his '32 pickup. "Now throw it back together and run it!" he said with a laugh.
    I also pulled the oil pump to clean off some of the sludge. Next time, I'll finish cleaning it and re-install it, along with the clutch and the flywheel.
  29. J.Ukrop
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    Before we knew it, the day was winding down. I had disassembled the engine as far as I needed to (for now), and we were itching to get some paint on the thing. So, with that, I hit it with a wire wheel and broke out the primer.

    As the primer dried, I knew we were running out of time. While I was shifting my attention to cleanup, David queued up "What is Hip" by Tower of Power on the stereo. He then walked over to one of his cabinets and pulled out a plastic bag. That could only mean one thing: chrome acorns!
    We snapped on the acorns one by one. I rushed over and grabbed my intake and carbs off the shelf above the door. "Now," he said, "it's really a hot rod." In our book, chrome acorns are a must on any souped up machine.

    At this point, there was no stopping us. "Grab a header!" he said with unbridled excitement. I zipped to the back of the shop and did exactly that. IMG_1158.jpg
    As the sun set on Petaluma, we both were grinning ear to ear. "There's nothing better than leaving on a high note," David said. I couldn't agree more. IMG_1161-1.jpg
  30. J.Ukrop
    Joined: Nov 10, 2008
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    Palm Springs was excellent. I was only there from Tuesday-Friday, but I enjoyed every minute of it. IMG_1237-1.jpg
    I'd really like to park my roadster in this house's three-car garage. IMG_1226.jpg
    But it's hard to beat the Neutra-designed Kaufmann Desert House. Can't wait to drive down here in Version 2.0.

    As fun as that would be, I don't think I'll be able to swing it with my travel schedule. In a perfect world, I'd drive it down to RPM later this year. Right now, I'm just taking it one day at a time.


    Mitch, thank you for coming along for the ride. It's been so fun thus far, and I can't wait to see what the new year has in store. Feel free to reach out if there's anything you need help with on your project.

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