@snoc653 , you are doing it wrong. Show her a bunch of hearses and explain how they have tons of room and style. When she finishes telling you NO in two hundred and fifty ways, THEN you show her the stuff you really want. As another guy that is vertically gifted, I'd look into stuff from the 40s and up. Those thirties cars are tight! Since you have a Chevy in your avatar and looked at this Chevy, I'd guess you are a GM guy. As has already been discussed, the early 30s GMs are not reasonable for a get in and go rod. Too much wood. If the Goodguys is still going today, go and ask to sit in various cars and trucks. I'd guess most would be happy to accommodate. Just realize that most are modified to fit the owners, so if the wheel is wrong or the seat too close, it may be just that example.