My Name is Asher Lev = Chaim Potok Flight of the Maidens = Jane Gardam Di Vinci Code = Dan Brown Oedipus The King = Sophocles Loves' Labours' lost = William Shakespeare
"The Toyota Way" "Edelbrock- Made in USA" "Porsche: Excellence was Expected" "Cannonball: America's Greatest Outlaw Road Race" "Dry Lakes and Drag Strips- The American Hot Rod"
I'm the same way. Read every night before lights out. As mentioned, any of the Burt Levy books, but read them in order starting with "The Last Open Road". "First Light" by Geoffrey Wellum - best book I've read in a couple of years. "Touch Wood" by Duncan Hamilton - funny as hell (and no, it's not that wood) "We were Soldiers Once.... and Young" Moore and Galloway "Pegasus Bridge" Stephen Ambrose I'm making a list of my own from every one else's suggestions. Kurt O.
I agree with Dr. J, Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintanance is great. Also try "Bears in the Outhouse" by Claude Balls
Robert Pirsig lives one town over, and his Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance is a classic. Lately I've mined, No God but God, by Azlan a great read on the history of Islam, and Loving Kindness, by a founder of the Insight Meditation Society in western Ma, she wrote this book in '95, and it covers how to look at life, with no holds barred. Just amazing.
How about THE Good Book, the Bible. Lots of good reading, all true. Tells about how God loved us so much He sent his Son Jesus to die for your sins and mine.
chuck palahniuk books if you like they whole fiction, thrillers, and the down right gnarly. Henry Rollins writes a good book too.
cobra in the barn and hemi in the barn AUTOMOTIVE ARCHEOLOGY RULES! any of the current Von dutch or Roth ones are good .. check
I agree, read that one last year... Here's a few non car related Fly Boys- James Bradley The Few- Alex Kershaw In Harms Way- Doug Stanton Choke and Survivor - Chuck Palahnuik Hells Angels- Hunter S. Thompson Country: The Twisted Roots of Rock 'n' Roll- Nick Tosches
-Lee Iaccoca's Autobiography -George Mueller's Autobio. -John Wooden's Autobiography -"Beyond Band of Brothers" -The personal war memoirs of Capt. Dick Winters. -"Into the Gates of Splendor" - Elisabeth Eliot -"Board Track- Guts, Gold and Glory" -"Pledged" (an expose on the greek system, especially soroities.)
DOING BUSINESS BY THE GOOD BOOK, and that don't mean Rodder's Journal (my favorite mag.). Congratulations on such a long thread. I mean your a FNG with a fairly O/T thread.
NAM by mark baker. "the vietnam war in the words of the men and women who fought there" i picked this book up in an airport back in 83, since then i've re-read it at least a dozen times. "one shot , one kill " is another good one
Let's keep the religious bias out of the thread. It's ok to suggest the bible, but no need to express opinions about it's factual basis. Keep the books coming guys, I've added quite a few to my amazon wishlist.
Bert Munro INDIAN Legend of Speed by George Begg. This was the first book printed on Bert 2002,describes Berts life and his achievemenys in a folksy way that takes you right along with him,be it in his workshop or at Bonneville breaking records.
An excelent book about an East Coast car club in the 50's building cars, club dragsters, street racing and just plain hell raising is "The Dominators" by John T. Brackett here's just one review "This book is about the young guys who built and raced hotrods in and around Boston during the 50's and early sixties. Anyone who was involved with this sport in this area would find the scenes described to be accurate and very familiar. I'll bet that many aging hotrodders find that this book calls back their "glory days."
MASH by Richard Hooker Catch-22 by Joseph Heller Something Happened by Joseph Heller Deliverance by James Dickey Or for some light and entertaining reading, anything by Edgar Rice Burroughs, Jules Verne, Robert Asprin, H.G. Wells
Try joining the local Library, they have lots of books and are FREE. Reading is another great hobby, I read at least 2 books a week.
I just finished this book and I cannot recommend it enough, maybe the best book I've ever read. Entertaining, informative and funny as hell! I can't believe one guy can fit so much stuff into one life....... Best damn garage in town by Smokey Yunick. Hell, just the Mickey Thompson section is worth the price of the book. Another fantastic book is Burt Munroe Indian legend of speed by George Begg. Highly entertaining!
Speaking of Hunter S. Thompson, this is a great book. It's about his time spent with the Hells Angels.