Anything by Bill O'Reilly.......His chapter on Lawyers in "Who's Looking Out For You"....should be required reading.
"We Got Fired!: . . . And It's the Best Thing That Ever Happened to Us" by Harvey Mackay and "War as I Knew it" by G.S. Patton is great. New Cussler book came out this month too.
Oh yeah! A couple of my Mark Twain favorites: "Captain Stormalong's Visit to Heaven" "Adam and Eves Diaries"
Anything by Hunter Thompson, likewise anything by Dominique la Pierre (I think spelling is right) who does historical novels that are fact based, "The Great War For Civilisation" by Robert Fisk and on motoring topics "The Jimmy Murhphy Story" and "Ralph dePalma Gentleman Racer" by Gary Doyle, "The Last Onslaught On Detriot" by Richard Langworth, "ALL Arms And Elbows" by Innes Ireland. Reading gives us all the oppertunity to stretch our minds and imagination. If anyone ever wants Motoring book recomendations PM me as I own a Motoring Bookshop and carry about 5000 differant titles at all time. I can really blow your wish list out. Also if you are looking for a out of print title try ABE Books. It is a huge book dealer site and you can often find what you want on it.
Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas - Hunter S Thompson Electric Cool Aid Acid Test - Tom Wolf Are a couple cool ones from my college days.
why not try oprah's book club im sure one of her choices will put you to fuckin sleep way fast and in a hurry..
The All knowing and Powerful Oprah did have "The Road" on her book club. It has apocalypse, cannibals, and despair. Not a bad choice for once, it's almost literature.
The Kandy-Kolored Tangerine-Flake Streamline Baby _ Tom Wolfe Hell's Angel - Sonny Barger Another Roadside Attraction _ Tom Robbins Anything written by Kurt Vonnegut but especially Slaughterhouse 5 Confederacy of Dunces - John Kennedy Toole Anything by Christopher Moore " Lamb - The Gospel according to Biff, Jesus' Best friend" Brett Easton Ellis - Raw, indulgent, 80's related lit Satan Burger - Carlton Mellnick III Prometheus Rising Robert Anton Wilson Guns, Germs, and Steel - Jared Diamond The History of the Devil - Gerrard Messadie ( Just for a fair view of the religious, the other side of the argument)
Anything by W.E.B. Griffin, AWSOME. Great fictional war novels and detective novles as well. His WWII stuff is the best. Read one of his book and you'll want to go out and buy a fifth of Famous Grouse.
Helmet for my pillow - Robert Leckie. Unvarnished account of marines at Guadalcanal. There is a really good bio of Richard Petty that covers his early days at the track with Lee. I forget the name, but is a cheapo Fawcett print.
This bio of Bert Munro is just grand! titled "One Good Run"
Dora Lives: the authorized story of miki dora the hot rod world of robert williams Los Angeles and the birth of Auto racing
The book might be hard to find, Engine Parts Reconditioning by Ford Motor Company. Lots of good pics. Here is a link to the pdf file... Mike
I'll second that and, if you can find it, legendary striper and paint formulator, "St. John" Morton's autobiography:
The Smokey Yunick 3 book set is the best ...! ANYBODY interested in Hot Rods & Race Cars should read about the adventures of this man.....He jammed 10 Life's worth of adventure into his one.
I just finished reading "Brave New World" by Aldous Huxley for a class I am taking. If you haven't already read it, check it out. Henry Ford is worshiped as the creator of the new world.
Just got finished reading that book, and I highly reccomend it. It also has some great photos. One of the best books I have read.
Rebuilding the Indian This is a great journey similar to the ones that we go through to capture something cool and timeless. - Joe
Report by the Atomic Energy Commision. Report of Dangers and Benefits of Aerosols with Photo's and charts from Nasa.
"On The Road" by Jack Kerouac. "Innocents Abroad" by Mark Twain. (anything by Twain) "With The Old Breed At Peleliu and Okinawa" by E.B. Sledge. A USMC diary from WWII. "Chicago Stories" Tales of the city by: Saul Bellow, Ring Lardner, Studs Terkel, Mike Royko, Langston Hughes, Maya Angelou, Elliot Ness, James Farrel, David Mamet and others. (this is an exceptional collection of fiction and nonfiction.) Reading is good.
Posted by Artiki: "God is not Great by Christopher Hitchens - (Stunning piece of work)" Christopher Hitchens is very interesting. He is often on National Public Radio over hear trying to terrorize people. He has a great spooky voice too.
I forgot a great one,"Horatio's Drive"the book that accompanies the film documentary.First drive across America in an automobile,very good read.Long live the legend of "Bud the Dog"(Coop knows what i'm talking about)
Yeah, Brave New World is excellent. I'd forgotten about the use of Henry Ford as a deity. Instead of a crucifix, Ford's followers wore a 'T' around their necks. Genius. Hmm...'terrorize' may not be the choice of word I'd use myself, considering the current climate There's some great video of Hitchens on Google Video giving a talk and then taking a Q & A session about the above book, and another video in which he goes head-to-head with Al Sharpton. Good viewing.