Plan and research. I read a few threads here on a few different cars before I chopped mine. I just did it last weekend. I have a little more work to do then it's done. I had some really good help too.
Show me a '53/'54 Bel Air hardtop that's been improved by the loss of the curved back window. That's what makes them cool. Everyone who has a Bel Air HT is haunted by the ghost of Duane Steck. The Moonglow is the Satori, the TRUTH, revealed.
Get the book "How to chop tops" by Tex Smith. Alot of useful tips in there. And remember..Its only sheet metal. If you screw up the top...make sure you can save the windsheild frame and build a carson top!.
Dude just chop it. If you can weld you can fix it. I read and read and read on how to chop my 54 2 door sedan and I just about talked myself out of it and I ran across Ian berkys post on chopping a 54. He made it look so easy. Well it's not easy but it's not nearly as bad ass some guys make it out to be. My 54 was my first chop and I was scared as hell to chop it. I just jumped into it and cut the roof off. It was no turning back then. Check out Ian's chops, he is the man. Real good dude. If you can't get anyone from work to help have your good ol father in law help you. It's the least he can do for loading shot on your car. Here's a pic of mine now. Still got a lot of work to do but it'd chopped. Posted using the Full Custom H.A.M.B. App!
Learn how to hammerweld, shrink and stretch, if you can do all those good, then you cant possably fuck anything up because you can simply fix it!