Hey you all. Hopefully someone can help or at least point me in the right direction. A few days ago I lost the ability to open the HAMB as a app. I made the mistake of deleting it in hopes of then re downloading it but now Apple says it doesn't exist ie there is no listing for the HAMB app. I am able to log in from my desk top but I am really not set up for that. Did something happen to the app???? I pray not! Any help is greatly appreciated. Scott
The HAMB app was administered by a third party whose terms of use became disagreeable. The HAMB forum works fine in a mobile phone browser, it’s just a little different from the app.
Hahaha, how many of these threads are going to keep popping up? OP, do a search before posting a new thread asking the same question that's already been answered.
I can't remember exactly what it was, the App worked great, really slick for posting pics especially, but I ditched the App a couple years ago, as I recall something something about it started sucking up eyepopping huge amounts of megabytes. Many if not most Apps are some kind of spyware in a lot of ways. You know the old saying - if something is "free" or, you can't figure out what product they are selling, guess what - the product they are selling is YOU.
Boy oh boy am I struggling to get used to living without the app. Just when I was trying to get back into the the hot bubble no less. Totally on team Ryan here but the app was a fluid piece of machinery, although not perfect, for us younger cats who live on their phone if even in the middle of that said living. Good news is I was here before the app gaining info and inspiration so I’m confident I will again.
Some of us don’t have internet access so our phone is all we have and no the browser version is not as easy to navigate as the app was but I will adjust
I don't get "Apps" in general. Why use an app with less functionality than the full web page? At work we have a web based program for our used oil analysis customers, to access their sample results, or to submit the information on new samples. We had to create an app for it. WHY??? I don't get it. Being on the team managing ongoing development of the program I was told I'm a dinosaur, all the younger folks all like apps and want to use apps, they want to do everything on their phone. so we have to have an app. OK, WTF? Go ahead and build it. I have no idea why anyone would use it instead of the regular web page, or why you'd want to use your phone with a tiny little screen instead of a computer with a full size monitor, but whatever. If that's what hey want, give it to 'em.
I would get it if the forum wasn’t or couldn’t be fully functional when using a phone’s web browser, but it is. Not sure what the hangup for some users is. Posting this on my phone right now.
We don’t have decent cell service either the county had to open hotspots at the volunteer fire departments so the kids could go to school while sitting in a car in the parking lot during the pandemic
I don’t want to escalate any aggression in debate over the computer vs. the phone. My own situation is that my phone/internet access is with me near constant. Almost like a watch I guess. I can’t imagine successfully dragging a desk top or a laptop for that matter with on my person given my lifestyle. I seldom am left blank with a “hey you got the time?” type question only now with a myriad of questions pertaining to much more substantive query’s. Maybe while mowing the lawn, riding bikes with my kids, playing music, and even working on the a hot rod, or I can’t speak for everyone as I am a chivalrous gentleman, as my young kids once would say “on the pot”. I had no excuse for missing HAMB related stuff this way. Yes I am navigating web page with the tiny screen on my ancient iPhone 6s as I type this and it is not as pleasant. In plain speak it it is harder and thus a little less enjoyable though I concede I may be lazy’er in many ways I am not dead yet so I’m just saying.
Try and look at it from my point of view. Busy as hell (just like every one else) sit down to look at the hamb on my phone...doesn’t work. Oh well. I’ll try again later. Same things happens over and over for a few days. So I finally get a chance to sit down in front of my PC, dig up my username and password from the depths of hell ie my filing system and have just about enough time to see if I can figure out what happened especially since the app doesn’t even show up under an app search. When I am finally able to log in to the HAMB all looks as it should. With no recent post that would indicate something has changed. In other you’ll have to forgive me if google search the hamb app has been canceled wasn’t my first or second thought. I suspect my thread won’t be the last Conversation. Just saying
Thank you all. That makes sense. I appreciate the fact that the creators/moderators take our personal information seriously. The app was my favorite and most used and I often had wished other areas of automotive interest would have created one as good as the hamb. But With that being said I will adapt. The benefits of the HAMB greatly out weigh the inconvenience of those of us who have “grown up” on the hamb app.
The idea behind apps, or at least "mobile" enabled websites, was that they would be stripped down, mean and lean, using less resources and load quicker. It hasn't always worked that way. When it comes to software, they usually lose the plot altogether and it starts getting bloated. The "Christmas Tree" effect. Always room for just one more ornament.