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Car storage and mice ?????

Discussion in 'The Hokey Ass Message Board' started by Mule Farmer, Jan 17, 2006.

  1. Mule Farmer
    Joined: Jun 1, 2005
    Posts: 1,508

    Mule Farmer
    from Holland MI

    I seem to be getting more projects than I can fit in my gardge. So im going to have to move some thing outside for awile.

    So how do you keep the mice from making a new home in your car. I have heard mouth balls work but I hate the smell of them and since its pretty cold around here I dont think that I will be able to find any let alone being able to spread they tiny legs to get there balls is always a bitch
  2. vetter
    Joined: Oct 6, 2005
    Posts: 150

    from Mich.

    I've tried everything, even moth balls, and the little sum bitches used them to make a nest with. Best thing, is to always keep poison around, outside the vehicles, and keep em dead, before they can get in to do damage.
  3. 28pontiac
    Joined: Nov 14, 2003
    Posts: 192


    I bought an enclosed trap from Wal-Mart (made in China) that I put a glue board and peanut butter in it ..... It's about 6" long, 4" wide and 2" tall. It has a lid that is hinged with clear plastic on top, and vent holes on all around, so the aroma of peanut butter can be smelt. There are 2 spring loaded doors on either end that allow the little bastards to enter, but not get out. The best part of it is that you don't have to peal a squashed mouse out a traditional trap, only open the lid and leave a nice present for the garbage guys...I put it against a wall, in a path I think they'd take. Mice don't usually wander out in the middle of a room... they seem to stick near walls or shit in front of walls. So far I have caught 7 mice in the past 3 weeks.

    I didn't even know I had mice in my shed until I went to start my Harley around New Year's Day and nothing happened. Those little bastards got into my bike and started chewing wires in half. I have since moved my bike to the garage and added the aforementioned traps. I have yet to check my tractor and other shit in the garage. From now on, I will leave a trap out there, particularly when it starts to get cold.

    PS> The Harley has been repaired.

  4. i have a three tear attack on those bastards
    traps with peanut butter
    moth balls
    and then the glue traps around the walls
    kills mice dead
  5. 50flathead
    Joined: Mar 8, 2005
    Posts: 1,166

    from Iowa, USA

    The multiple method approach works best. I do think moth balls help however they are really more effective on insects than mice. I can't stand them either, they remind me of being trapped in one of my soon to be in-law's trailer houses, but that's another story.

    Lots of your favorite poison works great if you can stand the smell of dead mice. Mice are most active in the fall when they are "denning up" and looking to come in from the outside. Keep your buildings well baited in the fall and you will notice a fall-off in consumption in the winter. Remember that as the bait disappears the mouse population must be replaced or subsequent baitings will not be consumed. Once you get to the point that your bait stays, your mouse population is pretty low. Add traps and maybe a cat to the mix and you have a pretty effective rodent control program.
  6. Jeff Norwell
    Joined: Aug 20, 2003
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    Jeff Norwell
    Staff Member

    I have always used chlorine pucks......from a pool supplier.
    very strong and will keep most anything away.
    just place a few in a plastic bag(use gloves!) and place in your car
    2-3 pucks in a bag...2-3 bags per car.leave the bags open.
    You can buy a bucket of them cheap.Keep the kids away.
  7. StratoStreaker
    Joined: Jun 12, 2001
    Posts: 116


    I heard that Irish Spring soap will keep them away and have actually had pretty good luck with it. I shaved a bar up with a potato peeler and put the shavings in a cup and put it in the car. The bonus is that come spring the car smells clean.
  8. Every fall, after the first frost, one stakeout with a hand-cannon usually does it. In the past I have used a shotgun, but that didn't seem sportsman-like, so now the weapon of choice is something a little less excessive, like a .45 Long Colt.

    It's an annual thing, for them, and me. They all gather together for a training session for the little ones, so they know which garages are safe, and which ones are not. They can all be heard, watching, waiting;

    “Look at that old fart!” “He’s laying for somebody again!” "Last year he blasted Lucy-Ann." "The year before that it was Aunt Julie Harper-Boggs. Got her with a 16 Guage Long-Tom as she rounded the corner next to the Beer Keg!"

    "He's sure got patience, will sit there for hours as still as a mouse, pardon the pun!" "In '98, it was 3 in the morning before he left."

    Then, when one of them shows herself, BOOM!!. (It's always a girl. They are the restless ones. It's their curiosity that gets them.) Seeing one of their own blasted to bits is enough, after which they hightail it to the neighbor’s garage. Then, as a precaution, I put out plenty of poison bait, under the seat and by each tire, just in case somebody didn’t get the word.
  9. hotrodladycrusr
    Joined: Sep 20, 2002
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  10. Dman
    Joined: Mar 5, 2001
    Posts: 243


    Bounce dryer sheets is supposed to keep the mice out. I have my Buick stored in a barn with mice. I put a whole bunch of them all over in the car and have not had a problem yet. I told a woman that I work with about it and she put them in her travel trailer last year and did not have mice for the first time. They seem to work good and they smell good too.
  11. 4tford
    Joined: Aug 27, 2005
    Posts: 1,824


    I use d-con packs around the four corners of the car have not had a problem since.
  12. 286merc
    Joined: Mar 3, 2001
    Posts: 1,793

    from Pelham, NH

    Ive tried all the cutey pie girly stuff, it barely works at best which isnt good enough for me. Real camphor moth balls are effective; the alternative formulas dont do a thing.

    All I want is dead mice. What has worked with zero problems for several years is:

    1. Minimize ALL possible entry points in the vehicle and storage building. It wont stop mice but will frustrate squirrels and keep out pets.

    2. Packs of DeCon inside and around the vehicle. Inspect regularly.

    3. Small dishes of fresh anti freeze outside the vehicle. The poison will make them thirsty, the AF just helps them along; havent had any reenter the vehicles.

    4. None of the above works on chipmunks as they can puke up the poison and wont touch the AF. Traps and gunpowder are the only method Ive had success with. Killed 37 of the bastards this past year.

    5. Squirrels also will eat the poison but dont seem to like the AF. Im going to experiment with poison pills mixed in with "critter food" that the girly bunch yuppies buy around here. Traps with a dab of peanut butter on a fresh peanut work great but it requires more effort and expense if you need a bunch of traps.

    6. Whatever you do DONT feed the bastards by putting good food outside, all that does is get them fat and horny so they can breed faster.

  13. brokenspoke
    Joined: Jul 26, 2005
    Posts: 2,979


    I keep a cat and only feed him every other day...;)
  14. 53sled
    Joined: Jul 5, 2005
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    from KCMO

    I had one get into my daily, parked at 0 dark 30, got in at 6 the next morning to go to work, heater on, vibration, crawled up into the cage. smelled bad after the centrifuge test. cats all just watched it happen. dog was asleep. got about 20 rat bait stations all over now, we'll see.
  15. REJ
    Joined: Mar 4, 2004
    Posts: 1,612

    from FLA

    Put glue boards and the afore mentioned traps from WalMart all along the walls. Mice and rats do not have good vision and use the walls as a guide.

    If you can find a pest control guy that will sell you traps, they have one out now that is plastic, spring loaded and it is called T-Rex. It will cut a #2 pencil in half. Put these along the walls with the jaws facing toward the wall, that way you will not accidentally set one off. They are good, but they do make a MESS!:eek:
  16. Yo Baby
    Joined: Jul 11, 2004
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    Yo Baby

    Take your average mousetrap and super glue a nut to the bait spot.Mice can't resist nuts and the trap is guaranteed to go off when they try to get it off.Hee Hee Hee
  17. gas4blood
    Joined: Nov 19, 2005
    Posts: 787

    from Kansas

    I have had no mice in three years. I use mothballs by the corner of each door. I put mothballs in the car, and under the hood. I use D-Con, plenty of trays. I have made my building as mouse proof as possible. There are 4 garage doors and one walk in door, no other way in. The doors are a tight fit. I use baited traps. I have never had a trap snap. I never have to replace the D-Con. The only mice in it were when it was done, but doors not installed yet. Had some stuff in there, but no real damage, just chewed some insulation up. I caught about 4 mice when the doors sealed it all up. Might be a few bones somewhere that I'll never find. My Deuce woodie came from long storage, they used bait in the car. There were a dozen or so turds, but no mouse damage at all. Finally, I check the bait and traps regularly, because I know the mice are eventually smarter than I am, and very persistant.
  18. 286merc
    Joined: Mar 3, 2001
    Posts: 1,793

    from Pelham, NH

    Good one!

    My chipmunk and squirrel traps are Haverharts. I got tired of them stealing peanuts so I mounted a 6-32 screw in the center of the bait pan. Then I drill a hole thru the peanut (still in the shell!) and push that down over the screw. Almost 100% effective. Then I toss trap and all into a 55 gallon drum with enough water to cover it. Love watching them bastards panic....and DIE

  19. Bluto
    Joined: Feb 15, 2005
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    Member Emeritus

    You can put my ex-wife in your car....Nothing will stay in there!
    but she might make more offa mess than the mice
  20. Yo Baby
    Joined: Jul 11, 2004
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    Yo Baby

    "You can put my ex-wife in your car....Nothing will stay in there!
    but she might make more offa mess than the mice"

    This thread is gettin' a little weird.LOL
  21. I can hear the ladies now..."Oh StratoStreaker, your ride smells so fresh and MANLY!! not like my last boyfriend's car. That smelled like sweat socks and old tuna cans." :rolleyes:
  22. Get a cat and don't feed it much.
  23. Chris P
    Joined: Nov 27, 2005
    Posts: 429

    Chris P
    from Tucson

    Light!!! if you just put a drop light in the engine compartment or under the car just some way to light up the engine they wont nest there. let me know how it works out.
  24. BigChief
    Joined: Jan 14, 2003
    Posts: 2,084


    Under fed barn cats and as many snakes as you can stand.

  25. Mule Farmer
    Joined: Jun 1, 2005
    Posts: 1,508

    Mule Farmer
    from Holland MI

    you all sound like expert mice slayers.

    If Micky shows his ugly mug around here Ill put a cap in his head.
  26. BigChief
    Joined: Jan 14, 2003
    Posts: 2,084


    This is soooooo good, I should have saved it for Tech Week, but here it goes.

    The BEST chipmunk trap in the world is this:

    Take a 5 gallon pail (a taller 7-10 gallon one works a little better) and fill it about 2/3's full of water. Pour in about an inch or so of sunflower seeds. Put a board up the side of the pail to give the little bastards an easy stroll into your instrument of death. Place a few seeds on top of the board near the edge over the center of the pail. They'll eat the few seeds on top of the board then smell/see the mother load down below. They'll make the (last) leap into the seeds and water then 'go to sleep with the fishes'.

    It works every time. We have boat customers who were once overrun by chipmunks that report killing 6-12 of them in the first couple of days of using this trap. Set it out all year when its not freezing. Fish the victims out of the bucket when you see them and dump the old seeds and water out once a month. If you dump them in the garden you'll have plenty of new seeds to keep you going year after year.

    BE CAREFUL about little toddlers and playing around the bucket of water, it can get them too. It typically won't work on squirrels since they can usually hang off they're back feet and eat the seeds without falling in the water.....however, you might be able to pick them off with a .22 as they feed their faces.

    I used to kill squirrels in my garage with rat traps baited with peanut butter. They'd run the wall/ceiling joist plates and carry walnuts into hiding places in the garage roof. When I'd put the traps in the areas they were running in I completely got rid of the problem....then fixed the holes in my garage where they were coming in.

  27. Sticher1
    Joined: Nov 17, 2004
    Posts: 627

    from Ct

    d-con works but they die & stink bounce works great, for some reason they don't like it at all My 2 bits worth
  28. borndead327
    Joined: Feb 9, 2005
    Posts: 1,388


    how about a nice big heaping bowl of antifreeze its great for keepin the neighbors cats out of your ride...jk i use mothballs it work but kinda stinks

  29. 23 bucket-t
    Joined: Aug 27, 2005
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    23 bucket-t

    make sure that cat is spaded { fixed } you do not want urine stink in your car. and it is a good idea not to feed it to much. My cat saw a mouse run past him once he just looked at it, did nothing, just looked at it. But he was 21 lbs at the time, go figure ???
  30. soldermonkey
    Joined: Mar 15, 2003
    Posts: 56


    I use the trap made by purple pickup that Denise left a link to. It is the best I have found and is also fun.


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