I am in need of some help I am getting married on July 9. I had some buddies that were going to bring their old cars for the bridal pary to ride in from the church to the reception but its the same days as Goodguys in Coulumbus so the usuals are going up there to the show. I then found another couple that said theyd help but over the weekend they backed out because of a renuion. Now im in a real pickle Im looking for anything old pre 70's, no rats and they have to be clean so the dresses dont get all dirty and such. If anyone can help or is intersted let me know I need to carry about a dozen people and Ill need to be able to get pics and such with them but the owners will drive them and I can work out any details you might need Im just in a pinch. Thanks Caleb csites2 at mix.wvu.edu 304-six 9 two - 5354
You need better friends, not our cars. My friends would be at my wedding, not at a car show. Oh, and you outta do an intro rather than just blowing in asking for a huge favor.