Call me crazy, but I bought this last winter. It is now running with a 406 sbc in it. Should be at the HAMB drags in August.
I picked up a PERFECT Austin A40 Devon, this aint it but its the same colour! I lifted this pic from the dragsters in motion thread, I think it was posted by Kiwi Kev?
My son in Oklahoma saved this 64 Coupe De Ville- made it to the HAMB Drags (well, to the hotel parking lot!). Lowered and WWW's and it will soon get a 472 to replace the tired 429. rodshop
Here it is, driveable and ready to drag race. I had lettering done after this pic. The chassis had a fiberglass Fiat body on it until this spring, when I put the Crosley on it.
Picked up this nice 1930 roadster from Rockford, Illinois in June. Promised myself I won't touch it till the tudor is finished. So far I've shown restraint, but the temptation is almost too great
A '59 Austin Healey Sprite came home this year. I also kept an old GLH Omni from being beat to death by a kid and sent it to some collector in Minnisota. Nothing HAMBtopical came my way this year.
Not the most HAMB related purchase, but my only save for '07. Picked this '66 up by a tip from a fellow HAMB member. Started a little CLR treatment and plan to roll it with the patina for awhile.
I saved a 1964 F-100, 1951 Merc 2-door, 1955 Big Back window Chevrolet truck and a 1992 Jeep Wrangler. I hope to do better in 08
Didn't get anything new this year but in the past few I've bought and saved 2 old VW beetles, a 1948' Ford Tudor sedan, a 1963 Buick Riviera, and a 1930 Model A coupe. All are sold now accept for the Buick and the Model A.
Chris - you win for the most saves ! This is what I 'saved' this year - just the body; everything else was not in the deal. But it's a damn nice tudor...
Heres the ones I saved or helped save And I dont have a pic but I just acquired a 48 Mercury Coupe saved from the crusher Rusty
I saved a 34 dodge pickup cab and doors, complete 70 chevy short bed 2wd, 26 T Coupe, 38 ford pickup cab, and a 34 Ford pickup cab and doors. I think thats enuff for this year!
I saved about 4 Toyota landcrusiers (fj40's and a 60) and a 52 Chevy PU, the next builder to go into the shop.
I "saved" multiple pieces of rusty crap that, when organized together look like a rusty piece of crap 1940 Ford Pickup. but they were cheap!
Only three this year, my homie found and gave me my very first car back this past Easter. Then just this past weekend I picked up a matching pickup, 51 Chevies ROCK!!! I also picked up a 55 Wagon for the wifey a few months back.