Hi, I'm looking for pics of sectionned and/or channeled 40's chevies and ford. All pics are welcome (finished car, in progress, built off,...) This one in particular caught my eyes. If you have more pics of it finished, please share them. (I think it was in the R&C issue from january 56 or 58) Thanks a lot. P.S.: I have already watched all of Rikster pics
Here is one my dad jsut sold, it was originaly done along time ago, we figured it was chopped 5", channeled 5" and sectioned 5".
Here's one a buddy of mine has. The car was orginally built around '54 or '55. The paint on the car is the paint from when it was first built. All my buddy did when he got it was put a good flathead in it, fab a top and do some minor mechanical work.
49OldsCoupe, do you have any more info about this car, who built it and where? And possebly some more photo's as well. I love the proportions of it. just perfect. The raised fenders and sectioned hood.... Here are a few more photo's I found on teh net a while ago. Here is another one I love... It has been featured in several magazines, and all tell it had been to long ago to remember who built it.... But I think it could have been a Valley Customs car. The details, like the sectioned hood, raised fenders combination of 41 Ford bumpers and those smooth hubcaps and no chop are all Valley Customs trademarks....
Rikster, Those first three pictures you posted are of my buddy Pete's car before he had the top and interior done. The car was built in the Youngstown,Ohio area. I'll post more of the story tonight when I have more time.
Rikster, My Dad told me over 20 years ago about this car and a '32 5w that were stashed away in a garage in my home town. Not many people knew they existed. They were owned at that time by two brothers named Pete S. and Gus S.(not sure how to spell their last name). Over the years I had heard different rumors as to the stories of these cars. Stories of a California custom '39 convertible and a drag race '32 5w that were parked sometime in the sixties and remaining untouched since then. I called my buddy Pete Mallog, the current owner of the '39, to get the correct story to the best of his knowledge. Pete Mallog is a traditional hot rodder in every sense of the word from the early days and one of those guys who is so cool yet he doesn't even know it. He's great to talk to about the way it really was because he was there and lived it. Pete's been driving a 35 Ford Pick up with a blown sbc since the early sixties as a daily driver. Most of the story was told to him by the original builder of the '39 who is now into his 80's and Pete S. Here goes. The '39 was owned by Wayne Walker and built with his brother Harold's help. The brothers were from the Youngstown, Ohio area. They had been to California and saw a chopped and channeled custom ford convertible. Upon returning home they decided to customize Wayne's car. It's funny how stories get twisted and a trip to California turns into a California custom as the stories are repeated over time. Wayne and Harold started on the car in 1954 and finished it enough to drive by 1955. The car was channeled, 5 inches were removed from the hood and the fenders were raised. The '39 dash was removed and replaced with a '40 dash. The windshield was chopped 3 inches but the top and interior were never completed. A full race flathead was built for the car and it was painted '55 Cadillac Bahama Blue. Wayne ran the car around in this form until 1958 when he pulled the flathead to put in another car to go racing. The car sat in Waynes garage with no motor until Gus S. purchased the car in 1959. Gus never got the car back on the road. Gus' brother Pete S. had a '32 5w hot rod of his own that he raced on the weekends. In about 1964 Pete S. blew the rearend in the '32 drag racing it and parked it in the garage next to the '39. Over the years Gus passed away and left the '39 to his brother Pete S. The cars sat untouched in that garage until 2003. Thats when Pete Mallog convinced Pete S. to get the '32 road worthy and back on the street. In the process of working on the the '32 Pete Mallog talked Pete S. into selling him the '39. Once Pete Mallog got the '39 home he located a flathead and went over the brakes and rewired the car to get it on the road. Later on he had the interior done and made a top. The picures you posted Rikster are of the car before the interior was finished and the top was made. The pictures I posted are of the car at the '05 Spin Out. I have attached the only picture I have of both cars from The Spin Out. If any one close enough to Cleveland, Ohio would like to see the car in person it will be at The Chopper's 50th Anniversary Show April 7th-9th. Also Pete and Pete will be attending the '06 Spin Out with both cars. Thanks Dave
Dave, Thank you for the great story. I love information like this. When I saw the photo's for the first time I was wondering if that would have been an original 50's custom car or an all new 40's 50's insired custom... Now we know. I will create a new folder for it on my site. I hope to find more photo's of it. and if anybody goes to that show... please take plenty of photo's of the 39. That is one very well proportioned custom.
Some pictures of the El Matador. Chopped, channeled, and sectioned, with major body mods. Great window treatments. First picture is when I owned it in the seventies. Picture on the right is when Bob Larivee, of Promotiona Inc. owned it in the sixties, and that picture was taken by Bob Hegge who took many pictures for Promotions inc. Bill Cushenbury was a true artist in metal. We lost a great one.
Here's a 39 sedan I did a photo-hacking on...it's been sectioned, lowered, chopped, and trimmed up a few other ways to get the proportions I was after. Here it is in various stages...
STREET RODDER magazine did an article on sectioning a 39 sedan several years ago. PM me if you're interested and I can send you a copy.