Ok here is how it works. I am donating the part. In this instance an aluminum marine 4 barrel scoop. This fits Holley and AFB’s. Bidding will run for A week. Let’s say it will end Friday the 24 th at noon central time. The high bidder will send the funds to Ryan. And when I hear that he has been paid I will ship to the winner on my dime in the lower 48. Also if anyone here knows of a H.A.M.B. member that has suffered because of the fire please send me a pm with their name
Ok . this has ended with @chevy57dude the winner for 250 bucks. Please send @Ryan a pm titled fire victim auction and he will give payment instructions. everyone else that wanted to contribute can do the same. Thanks everyone
anyone else that would like to contribute, send Ryan a Pm titled "fire victim" and he will provide payment info. thanks
I got a deal, IMHO. Donation and a free scoop! Thought others would outbid me, can't believe I won. PM sent to @Ryan. Mark - Thank you for dipping into your treasure cabinets for this.