Esoteric. I had to look that up. But sure I guess that would fit. Sort of along the lines of "If you have to ask, you probably wouldn't understand"
That's what I like about this start out with something mechanical that piques your interest...then you dive in head first and start amassing the knowledge necessary to complete your thing you know you're in a group of 5 guys who know anything about what you're talking other words an expert
Still picking away at trans tunnel. Slow going. New job and training the new puppy is not helping forward truck progress either. But that is totally ok! Happy Easter everyone!
Dontcha think fido has got a look sorta like 'Ya didn't just take my picture wearin these things did ya' I'll getcha back at paper training...
It took seventeen tries to get one pic where she wasn't trying to eat ears! And Beatrice the beagle is already house trained. She just turned ten weeks. Paper training is bs.
Carpet training is much better than paper. [emoji6] Sent from my iPhone using The H.A.M.B. mobile app
Picking away at little stuff. But did change out the repro Deitz lights for some more correct ones. They need primed and painted. Might see if I can find some stainless rings to fit
@dumprat...I compliment you on your build...your hand and vision are coming together with rocking n' rolling just around the corner...with your equally interesting evolving roadster project inching closer as well.
Not sure where the roadster thing is going at this point but I am happily focused on getting the pick up on the road
Not life exactly..... I bought a cheap CJ7 that was owned by a kid. It needed a whole bunch of little stuff and some cheap parts, oh ya and a month of evening rust repair. It's a CJ thing. I wanna drive it this summer and use it to hunt with this fall. I need to teach the kids to drive stick anyway. That's my excuse. But I will be back on the pick up this fall. I wanna drive it next summer.
Don't put a hemi in it? Not sure I understand that. If I can make it run and drive for a reasonable amount it will get the hemi. I have hit a snag with the six. I need to swap the starter to the other side or somehow make the bellhousing smaller. The starter drive lump in the bellhousing is in exactly the spot the gas pedal needs to be. ☹️
Take some straight-on pics and other views of the pedal area, compared to your last "side view"pic this Spring, shown below. Maybe somebody will get an idea, before you drive yourself crazy. I went through the same issue with my 32. I finally figured out a way to get a gas pedal to fit with the extended bell on the big early olds engine. Trying to move the starter seems like a project-killer, and may stall your plans to drive it by next spring. .