Model T column with gas lever or Hemi? ...tough choice that leaves you with an engine you have to build another car for lol
Here is the issue. I can't get the throttle, and brake pedal far enough away from me to make it driveable. The width of the six bellhousing with starter nose makes it impossible. I am thinking of building an adaptor plate to mount something much smaller like an ax15 trans or something with a passenger mounted starter. I don't like the idea of a modern trans. And I will burn the truck before I put in an auto like most guys do.
I see the dilemma. The whole point is to be able to enjoy driving it. Solving these kinds of issues is what we take pride in even if most people who see the car will ever know what it took. If you replace the bell housing would a stamped steel one like a Lakewood be a good starting place. It would be easy to modify cut-weld etc. How much of the problem is the transmission itself? I agree with the modern and auto trans stand. My roadster build will use a Borg Warner T-86 3 speed over drive with a T-90 floor shift top plate. From a "54 Stude. T-86s are not as strong as some but served well behind Studebaker and Ford V-8s. There is also the much stronger T-85 but it is a side loader and not as floor shift friendly. I'm a big inline fan but if it a butt-load more work to use a less powerful engine what is the gain? Being different just to be different usually doesn't have good results.
Well after a busy summer of beaches, bikinis, boobies and booze I am finally back at working on my truck. Fixed my very old louvered hood. It had been welded to the hinge sometime in the past and the hinge was broken. I separated it from the hinge and had some 16g angles bent up and I welded them on the inside. This straightened out the center of the hood and gave me something to attach the new hinge too. The other side is done, I just ran out of primer. Tomorrow the truck truck starts to come apart to finish the frame and sandblast the cab!
This part is a real pain trying to preserve foot room for the pedalm here's my early stage effort Sent from my SM-G950U using The H.A.M.B. mobile app
My current thought is if I can get the starter to the passenger side and drop the engine down a small amount I should have enough room.
After working on the second section I'm considering scrapping the round tunwl and going to a boxier approach like you have. It's pretty tight on the pedal as is Sent from my SM-G950U using The H.A.M.B. mobile app
Why not move the steering column up? would that work? replace with a different column, and move it up?
So in feed my current hemispherical perversions (no not boobies this time) I picked up a sweet deal on an a833 and hurst super shifter this week. The trans and shifter kinda blows my legit late 50's vibe but for overdrive and brute strength I can live with that. Ya can't see the trans anyway. The price tag of $180 for trans and shifter makes it easier to swallow as well.
OD is a must if it's a driver, in my opinion. Can't tell you how nice it is to have a Columbia in the '35 on the highway.
Linkage is all done. Hardware store shafting and link ends from a rowing machine at the dump. Just my style.
More fitting and screwing around. Swapped out a couple of bad caps and hand fitted replacements. And 426 hemi studs. Bores are round within .0005 but still need honed. Rear cap is big in one direction by .001. And the 354 oil pump fits with a little grinding.
Well the six is out and the hemi mock up block is in place. Hard to believe this fits better. It's twice the size. It has to move up about an inch. And the exhaust is still going to be tight to the steering box.
...just like that...Cool...its the shuffling of the issues but the new hand may be better does it help the pedal deal?
Yes it fixes the pedal problem. The floor becomes almost flat. I am going to order a front cover to accept a Chevy water pump. It should allow me to push the engine forward an inch and still run a solid mechanical fan.
I hope you make headers just as cool as the six and what about air cleaner/ers? Sent from my iPhone using The H.A.M.B. mobile app
Hmm not sure about headers yet. Might run manifolds and single pipe exhaust with just a baffle. Drivers side head is super close to the steering box. Air cleaners and six headers and going to get bolted to the flatty six and painted up nice as shop art for now. Going to keep an eye out for a 20's dodge roadster body. Yes the hemi is pretty cool. Especially at the dollar I have invested. But the price of nice Chrome desoto plug wire covers is staggering. And I don't want finned aluminum.
I'm big on inline engines and think the Flathead six is way cool but it was causing problems that you solved with a bigger, better fitting, and very cool engine. That's what it's all about. You know ...You put the Hemi in...You pull the Flatty out .....You get the pedals workin' and you drive it all about.....
Was concerned I didn't have enough iron in my diet. So I thought I would try and see if I can use a Chevy short pump with a heavily modified desoto timing cover. Black booggers tells me I am likely up to my daily recommended intake. Stay tuned...