Hello everyone I am at the end of my rope and cant for the life of me figure this out, I rebuilt my 235, and put the old fuel pump on cause it was only about a year old I hand primed it, got fuel to the carb, when I put it on the block I felt for the eccentric and put the arm on it, turned it over and it started but wouldnt keep pumping, so I kept filling the carb w gas hoping to get it going, to no avail. I pulled the pump and primed it again and tried but no luck, I bought a new pump, and primed it and it did the same thing, and it happened again. and it also doesnt hold the fuel up to the carb, I know this cause I have a filter right at the carb so I can see fuel coming up, neither one was holding fuel up to the carb, I only have 2 connections between the tank and pump and there tight and not leaking, I really have no idea where to go from here, any help would be greatly appreciated Christopher
I'm having the same problem right now with mine. I am getting fuel to the carb and the float doesn't stick. I'm thinking vapor lock. Whenwas the last time the carb was rebuilt?
You may have a air leak on the suction side of the pump. Try a hose into a small container of gas hooked to the suction side of the pump. If it now works you have a pinhole air leak somewhere. Also if no filter before the pump it is possiable you have a bit of dirt on one of the valve seats in the pump. disconect the line at the carb and blow thru the pump.
I just rebuilt the carb last summer and drove it till i rebuilt the motor and it worked fine, the float is free, ill pull the line and check w a gas can
take the line off the carb, put a hose on it and put it in a container. crank it over and see what you get. Otherwise, hook the end up to a pressure tester and see how much pretty it'll create.
How many times did you fill the carb and start it only to have it die? Last one I did, I had to do the fill the carb/start it routine 7 times before it would start on it's own.
I guess im gonna have to, I cant think of anything else to try, and lik I said the line and tank is new, I checked the line and its all good, its driving me batshit crazy
I have filled the carb about 9 or 10 times by now I can get it to run for about 10 sec that should be more than enough time to pump fuel
Loosen the fuel line at the tank side of the fuel pump and appy some air pressure to the fuel tank. This worked for me after I bought my '53 sedan. Because the lines and tank are new, your line may be air locked...
Try it with the gas cap left off. If it was newer, I keep a gas cap I modded with a tire valve so I can put some air on the other side (I made it originally so I could bleed off a Chevy diesel truck), but just leaving the cap off usually is enough with a gas engine. If it quits again with the cap on, your tank vent is plugged.
I just got my 40 going after sitting for 9 years. I just put my vac pump on the line from the tank for pulled until I got solid gas from the line. Then I hooked it to the pump and filled the bowl on the carb. Then it finally ran on it's own.
Pour a little gas in the tube at the top of the carb. I used to have the same kind of problems trying to get the pump/carb primed and pumping after being empty. I know that "gone crazy" feeling. You want to set the whole thing on fire! Ever since a buddy told me about the gas in the tube trick, it's worked every time. I know the 1bbl. Rochesters on stovebolts are notorious for totally draining after sitting for a relatively short period. When I was working on my '53 chevy, I must've gone through that "pour gas down the carb, start it, run for 3 seconds then die, why isn't the fuel pump pumping" routine 100 times.