Hi all. I have a Chev 283 v8 with power pack heads etc. The engine ID number starts with: CE3N then there are the usual 5 sequence numbers. I have looked everywhere on the interweb and no-one and no reference material tells me what I need to know. I understand the CE is a service replacement block or Chevy Engine number, and I assume the 3 stands for 1963 - but what does the N stand for?? Any help is appreciated. Cheers
Being in Australia, it's probably going to be tough to decipher. How about some more info? like the block casting number and date code from the back of the block, and perhaps a picture of the stamped number? There could be some clues that you're not aware of, and that we can't see.
Looks like a factory stamp...from what I've read, that block casting was used after normal 283/327 block production ended, in the late 60s, for replacement engines. The casting date code on the back of the block should tell you when it was cast. I doubt there's much useful information for you in that stamped number, except that it tells you it's not an engine that was factory installed in a car.