About 30 years ago,W.L. Luckey (now deceased) of Conroe,Texas and several other hot Rodders decided to drive to Bryan,Tx for some Chicken Oil burgers and beer. It turned into an annual ,word of mouth,event.It is held the 2nd Sunday after the first of the year.There are no entry fees,no classes,no announcements,no bands,etc; just Rodders meeting to socialize and enjoy the cars,burgers,and beer.This is a come and go event at your leisure. Sunday January 10th.
Hello John, Just wanted to thank you for posting this on here. Ive posted it on my Facebook page and wanted to post it on here but figured a lot of people on here were out of state and couldn't attend. This was my dads favorite run bc/ there was no polotics involved, no trophies, no entry fees ect. Not sure if you knew or not but this has been going on now for around 20 years. Anyway hope the weather holds out and hope to meet you or see you there. BTT for a good event! Tracy Luckey