Hi All, tentatively bough an A833 overdrive trans, but the output shaft has a tiny nick between 2 splines. The slip yolk goes over no problem, its a 30 spline shaft. Any trans gurus no if this would be a problem or okay to use it? Thanx in advance...
I wouldn't give it a second thought. If it was affecting the movement of the slip yoke I would dress the splines with a needle file. Just make sure the output shaft wasn't bent when it got nicked. The yoke should turn smoothly and there is no galling from the tail bushing on the outside of the yoke.
Take the seal off with a hammer and big screwdriver then use a small triangle file, filing from the forward part of the spline, to guide the file. Be sure to blow it all down with compressed air afterwords, making sure the filings don't go into anything valuable. Then bang a new seal on. If you have a big enough socket, use that as a driver.
Okay not batting a good average on this 1, outputshaft is not issue, slip yolk goes on fine. The trans shifts nice through all gears, but the input shaft retainer housing is broken and missing the sleeve part. So I now need this part for this trans, and whatever else it might need, once I open the case.
Looks like a truck trans with over drive. It looks lime a aluminum case. That takes a larger bearing retainer than a regular 833. The bell housing has a larger hole in it. Dont put a small bearing retainer on then use the larger hole bell. There wont be a way to register the trans. Those retainers break when the trans goes in and out on a angle using the bolts to pull it in. That trans is not a performance model. It cant handle much power.
Hi Thanx, yes I know its the overdrive edition, and is going to be used behind my warmed up Chrysler flathead 6, so yes need the big retainer. I dunno, this trans can most likely take a lot more torque than the NWC T5s from thew 4 cyl S 10s. Either of these transmissions can handle what Mopar flathead 6s dish out.
You can get a bearing retainer from Brewers. http://www.brewersperformance.com/search.asp?nobox=&scat=&stext=Bearing+retainer&stype=&sprice=&pg=2
Discovered today, my A833 aluminum overdrive trans has a cast iron tail shaft. I wonder why, mix and match or factory using up components....
That's the way they built them for the trucks. For the A body cars, they had a short tailshaft and housing that was aluminum. The long tailshaft was for trucks, B, E, & C body cars. Finding a long aluminum tailshaft housing is rare, I think it was only an over the counter performance part.
Thanx Joel, found a bearing retainer in Winnipeg today, at 1 of the oldest trans shops around, $40 USD and it included a new seal.