If i have the name right?? where is Chuck-a-burger and when is the cruz night thing???? I'm gonna be house shopping (and pulling my hair out) next week and I know id love to unwinde with a shake & burger among the exhust fumes, LOL FRITZ
It's tomorrow night. Rat Rod/Kustom night - no bling/billet/L.E.D.'s.................. Here's the link: http://www.chuckaburger.com/index.php 1st ever traditional Rat Rod & Kustom get together. No billet wheels, easter egg paint jobs digital dashes, or L.E.D. taillights! Traditional kustoms and rat rods only. St. John location - For more information contact us at 314-223-3832 or 314-428-5009.Saturday, July 1 2006 5pm Look for Santa in a H.A.M.B. shirt...................
Hey any of you HAMBers in St Lious see Big Ken aka Santa without a camera and taking pics, then kick him in the shin and tell him Big Tony wants pics and to get busy. And not just the early 30's crap ...i want early fiddy crap also. Big Tony The Jealous i'm not there HAMBer
Hey. got two camera's already set out to take - OK. And hey, I'll make ya a deal on that rearend, when I get done yankin' the motor and tranny, you can have the whole damn Suburban, OK?
Damn that ought to please momma, hey i know i can tell her it her very own little... well big ass hot rod Hehehehe she wont know the difference Hehehehe Big Tony
DAMN! im not gonna be there for either event July 1st or 22ed Ahhh ay least I can stop in for lunch FRITZ
Hey! Im off work thursday night. Anything going on thursday night? maybe if your having beer night thursday night, Fritzy could stop by and so can I?
Well the show at Chuck A Burger went great. Lots of cool hot rods and customs. Met a few H.A.M.B.ers and had a good time here are a couple of pics.
Yeah a pretty neat little gathering met "King Chassis" and "Big Ken"& family some pretty cool stuff there Ill get som pics up too
Hey! I know those '58 chevys well, they never both used to be out at the same time. I see from one pic that the landscape across the s\treet has changed, I'm getting a little homesick.
SHIT I missed it. I haven't been driving the 56 recently since my tags are expired. Maybe I'll get them for my B-day next week.
Hey Big Ken are those pics of yo daddy's two 58's... Next year looks like the rest of the Dallas Chapter Torque's CC will have to join ya. Man Hugh's 53 Merc runs good and missed ya on our little luch run today, we need your 33 to be in the group. See Thursday nite Big Tony
WOW! What a blast from the past. I was there about 20 years ago with a old girlfriend for a week when she was moving for school. The cruise was on Wednesday nights then.
Damn' I know I should have closed the shop up and headed across the river. It looked like a good show!!! Uncle Johnny
Damn, I wish I was on the HAMB in 2001. I spent a whole summer there working at the old AT&T/Western Union. I hated it. I swore never to return to St. Louis. The only fun I had was when I went over the bridge to East St. Louis. Cool pics, your city is off my blacklist But your weather still sucks. You gotta be rather tough to drive anywhere with no AC in the summer there. It must keep the fat people out of hot rodding there! BTW - 'Chuck-A-Burger'??? WTF, is their slogan "You can't keep a good burger down!"
Just got back in town last night.............EXCELLENT time meeting HAMBERS - RUSSCO - KING, and many many more....... Hats off to the hosts - The Bombers. Hooligans were fine folks, too. AND THE ROLLER DERBY GIRLS - HOT STUFF. Yea King, great visit, and we gotta get back up there again. Russco, hope to see ya at the HAMB Drags. Yea, Big Tony, those are dad's '58's. And John, it is a shame they don't both get out on the same nights. I think I shamed them into draggin' both of 'em over there. I know they aren't rat's, but they aren't blingers either. Just spotless/modified/stockers. All you guys up there in the St. Louis area, and all around for that matter, gotta tell ya what my dad had to say about the night. Now, you gotta understand, he is about as picky/anal, whatever you wanna call it, about ANYTHING he drives. It's gotta be perfect. But what he said when we got home from the night was, he is tickled to see the young guys, in the primered up rods, becuase he see's a new group ready to carry the 'Hot-Rod' torch. He mentioned, that is the way they did it, make it run, drive it, and worry about the pretty stuff later. Just drive it and have fun. From him, that says a lot. Good night was had by our family, and look forward to seeing many more nights like that.
BIG KEN , nice to meet ya and glad to here you made it home safe. And what your dad said about the cars that is cool to hear. Well I'll see ya at the drags too.