thinking about buying a car that sat for a few years and not run clutch pedal is half way down when you push on pedal the clutch linkage is binding i think the preasure plate is bad could the springs go bad just from sitting??? looks like someone has put a clutch in it if i got it running would that help???
If you get it running you might be able to free it up. Sometimes when they're stuck you got to get them started in second and just rev the engine while pushing on the brake and clutch.
99.9% chance that 70dodgeman is dead on correct. His suggestion is valid. Don't try disassembling anything without giving that suggestion of his a shot. I've purchased several old cars through the years that had an identical condition. Sits there for a long time, disc just sort of adheres to the pressure plate, you can usually bounce them loose starting in 2nd or 3rd and just pumping the clutch and brake pedals at same time
if it has an inspection cover that will allow you to slide a putty knife between the clutch/flywheel/pressure plate while someone holds the clutch down you can get it to release.
I think 70Dodgeman is probably right, but it might be helpful to know what kind of vehicle it is and whether you've got a mechanical clutch linkage or a hydraulic system.
Better make sure the disc isn't in backwards.Are you sure it's not a problem of it not disengaging? Lippy