Putting a comp. Eng. 14pt roll cage in a 64nova as contracted. Been calling their help line which labeled moroso help line phone and can't get an anwer or call back...what's up with that. 1st issue...tubing is clearly HREW with welded seam....thought had to be DOM to cert. 2nd..alll of the bends in the halo are flattened on outside radius of bends..at least .25 inch. 3rd...all bends are scarred badly enough it literally looks like mill scale. Will HREW tube cert? This is a prostreet univ. Kit for 64 nova...a lot of work and to imagine cutting this all back out if it doesn't cert is making my head hurt already. What's your opinion? Thanks. Carl
Best bet is to call the Div 5 office......they are right there in KC. I don't see a specific prohibition for it from the 2011 rule book, but better check (816) 795-8055. NHRA in CA is available too (62) 914-4761 8a-5:30p M-F. If this is to be a Certified cage, I'd bet no.......the inspectors are thorough/tough....as it should be.