What’s the biggest they come? I can’t seem to find something that’s 20” something with about 12” of travel.
You can get 20" but you won't find 10" of travel. Sneak up on it with poster board and scissors https://www.amazon.com/Big-Horn-19062-Plastic-Contour/dp/B001C06BBE/ref=sr_1_18?adgrpid=1331509147372017&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.GCaycncJrxhxfHqrF0QAYjMPiVpQSYJH7DZOQ81_wp_gI3iWJHUWjl8lzUm_kzINp8NE5-RRhceN3GsCXgxDS9uehASRmrq_xrZpyvVDyoLlIjeDPZahhfZjCLCzIu7Cxb5KtIeuarIlg3OgrjUEmfiIu9pV8xQxvqIJ3e_KL0EcJ-kdmfNHIbevJ23p8t0l6U2A_IKd6LrDUWZDNBK03r0ea-MFejM9Bk-JBJdaSc32iu3Vha4D0kpXo1kgP8ZggWGIb7hBavq5-2sy9dBzc-xHc1MCZo_m2wWNdipCgoU.buL9YJgjBtOB7Ow0TiaYCc7V0JFVTNMF5JPLHYLKJdU&dib_tag=se&hvadid=83219560584751&hvbmt=be&hvdev=c&hvlocphy=45635&hvnetw=o&hvqmt=e&hvtargid=kwd-83219672297770:loc-190&hydadcr=8435_13498623&keywords=large+contour+gauge&qid=1709051520&sr=8-18
For gentle curves only, and have to be handled gingerly, but maybe. https://www.draftingsuppliesdew.com/acu-arc-adjustable-spline-curves Johnboy34's DIY link looks way better
It kinda works to get close. then transfer to a pattern to scribe. Then pattern to template. Cheap enough. Wish I could get what I want once in a while
Put the cardboard in a brake and bend it. Flatten it back out and that gives some friction to the sticks.
Can you cut a piece of plywood to a rough approximation of what you need (maybe 1" off) and fasten short ones in a staggered pattern on the plywood? Would only work in certain situations. To make your own like in Johnboy34's . For the pins look at insulation supports. They come in 15 1/2" or 23 1/2" lengths w/ a .086' dia. (Simpson Strong-Tie brand). The ends are mitered, so you may have to smooth them off. In one video the guy glued strips of felt to plates for the pins ride on.