drove my 62 eldo with top down any day it was not raining or snowing.I kept the heater on high and wearing a t-shirt
I have saw a rough but up and rolling 40s ford convertible at a guy I knows garage/junkyard for the last several months, still sitting in the same spot with the top bows up and intact from the looks of it. I always think of the 47 in Karate kid when I see it and wouldnt mind having it but Not sure I would be dedicated enough to build it, so I dont get involved, but still a shame to see it just setting there....It is at least sitting in front of the garage on concrete.
This thread got me counting. I can remember 7 , there may be more . They all rattled and leaked , they were all heavier than a 4 door. Most of them were " whooped" on when I got them. I bought most of them because they were a " good deal' Had some fun and some discomfort , made some money on them , glad they're gone. I like coupes a whole lot better. Four door Hudsons are the most comfortable best riding I've had.
I had a '66 Chevy Impala convertible that I purchased in '70. White with black top and interior. Fun car! It felt like cruising in a boat (rode like one too) with the top down. Never leaked and it had a glass rear window not the crappy plastic ones that so many used. I had a hard time selling it in the late '70's but I'm sure it would sell fast today since "collector" cars are pretty much just a summertime ride here in MN. FYI: Black seats get really, really hot in the summer sun.
My first car was a convertible and I probably should have kept it...but mainly because me and my dad built it together to be my first car. Problem was...I was a hot rod guy more than a convertible guy, so lost interest before I ever even turned 16. My wife likes convertibles, so we have had 4 more since then and have one that is actually HAMB friendly now. But, it is for sale too. I think I will stick to cars with tops.