Danger, that's flippin awesome. The exact reason I bought mine. The 2 door just wasn't working for me anymore.
might as well tune in..its all i got ! (and i dont even have kids..or take it to the shops even ) go figure !
Yeah, that, very cool Shiny. I have owned some 4 doors but the only one I ever thought was cool was my 69 Ford crew cab. Those converted customs are pretty cool, but not really 4 doors anymore.
That's one think I miss about WA. I was out there in the military, in the mid 90s, and my wife is from there. A car sitting in the weeds, like that here, would be ruined. That car probably has less rust than a 10 year old car here. Kills me how many great cars I had to pass up out there due to no space and little money.
My '53 Desoto in its current form. The motor took a shit on me a few weeks back, so I am in the process of building a 409 for it dscn0160 by Fazekas Industries, on Flickr dscn0120 by Fazekas Industries, on Flickr dscn0119 by Fazekas Industries, on Flickr dscn0118 by Fazekas Industries, on Flickr
That looks so cool with the wrap around windows thanks, Douglas Johnson "Skrach" www.VividlyVintage.com
I love it! This gives me inspiration to work on my 55 chrysler new yorker deluxe 4 door. Great work imo thanks, Douglas Johnson "Skrach" www.VividlyVintage.com
My avatar is of my '32 Fordor Sedan. I love the practicality of it and being able to get the entire family involved in enjoying it. Plus the rear suicide doors are really cool!
http://www.jalopyjournal.com/forum/picture.php?albumid=19468&pictureid=401432more more recent pic of my 55 poncho