Dont have a pic of it.. But the FUNNIEST one I have ever seen read " WAS HIS" on the back of a Mercedes!!!
i saw one i when i lived in tucson that read, 455H0L3. if you look at it kinda quick its pretty easy to see what it reads. i had to do a double take to make sure of what i saw.
that's our "salt plate"...just to make sure against who we're racing... I know it's no licence plate, but way cool, too:
Maybe I just think it's cool cause it's mine. actual 59 plate , but Missouri truck plates where orange in 59. Blue plates are for MODOT . Me and Tinker drove to Jeff city with a handful of 59 plates I bought at swaps and ran them down, one of girls in office is a street rodder so they called modot and asked if I could have it , they weren't useing # at time so they let me have it : )
heres one I have, It was on my 26 T truck its going on my 26 tudor. I got it from a guy here on the Hamb his Wife would not let him run it.
Here are three of mine! Yeah, the Camaro may be OT for this board... But, having owned it for 39 years (since I was 18), I figured the plate might be interesting to some of you. The plate on the '64 'vette is speaks for it's self. The plate on the '55 can be read a couple of ways (it's a gas to drive) or running no front bumper, 15 X 4 TTO Americans on the front, painted steel wheels & slicks on the rear, dual 4bbl carbs, small block, gear drive cam, 4.10 posi rear, and 4 speed makes it something of a gasser.
This was on one of my old bikes After I sold the lincoln, I put it on my f150 but it's about to go on my 65 panel. It's my business name not the capability of the vehicles (except the bike - that thing hauled ass!).
The star on the '27 Ohio plate was used when the number exceeded 999 999. After the star, the prefixs used were 'A', 'B', etc., up until 'M' when the style of plates changed.
Our 41 Packard was sold in Phoenix new in aug of 41, it has never been registered out side of Maricopa county, ( Phoenix). After two years I found a plate from Maricopa county and the MVD allowed us to transfer it to the car , so now it has a plate that fits the original registration. We are the third owner. The only thing is that they want us to put stickers on it, will make little tabs if I get pushed that will swing in and out behind the plate