My wife's grandfather owned a car repair shop here in Houston back in the day. Years later, we realized that a guy who had done ad work for them was the grandfather of one of my daughter's friends. Small world. The old guy is still alive, and gave this to my wife today. He kept them all these years. From 1960. I thought it was cool. Sent from my SM-G935V using Tapatalk
somewhere, I have a few repair invoice copies from my dads shop in 57-58 or so...prices were $1.75 labor-... on a tailpipe replacement! I forget how cheap the pipe was..
My girlfriends Father has a 46 Lincoln Continental with a v12. He found a receipt in the car for an engine overhaul, complete for $99.
Neat old ads! If you went into a workshop nowdays, and asked the "technician" to "clean & set plugs, set timing, adjust carbs, etc," you would get the "Whahappen?" stare!
Love it! The ad guy really did nice, creative work. Love how he utilized music charting behind the words "Tune-up".
My dad overhauled a lot of Chevy 6 cylinders for $ 100 in his shop. Rings, bearings, valve job and timing gears. He charged $ 8.00 per cylinder to bore the block and 25 to turn and polish the crank. I remember a guy bitch and moan when my dad charged him $ 150.00 to overhaul his straight 8 Buick. Pull the motor tear it down , clean everything . Grind the valves, do the guides and seats. Hone the block and put all new parts and put it back in the car. He thought that was too much. My dad told him that he would pay and not come back to his shop.
Keep in mind how much that dollar was worth back then and the knowledge in those mechanics and garages.