Hope this is in the right area, I know how some of you like beatin' on FNG's (funny how an old guy like me can be an FNG!) Anyway, I searched and didn't find a post on this and thought you guys might be interested. I know I'll be going... This guy has a lot of just about everything... Later, Rg http://kruse.com/auctions/brandon07/inventory.asp?AUC_CODE=brandon07
Your first post belongs in the Introduction board but I'll let it slide if you buy me the 34 ford coupe lot #831. WOW...theres a butt load of cars for sale there!
This is one of those auctions that you should go and look for your self instead of waiting for your buddy to come back and say ,oh they had exactly what you were looking for but it was listed wrong. or wasnt listed and it sold for cheap but I didnt know if you would want it or not???
!,000 pardons, I'll rectumfry that soon! I also have a full color brouchure I got by calling Kruze (can't remember the number but it's on the website) I intend on going, There's a '29 Ford truck I have my eye on... Rg