I've been pondering building another 36 pickup for my daily. I have some old beat up cabs etc. I was thinking how much I hate to drive my newer vehicles, so that spawned this idea. I was thinking of building a beater daily that would be used to haul parts etc and not worry if it gets banged up etc at Wally world..... I was thinking of leaving the outward appearance to look factory stock, no hot rod rake, no wide whites, not even lowered. Just the factory farm truck look that would be something you would see in Oklahoma during the 30's-40's. The only change would be the powerplant to something that could be dependable on a daily basis. Crazy?
that'd be the only thing i'd build if i was inclined. and you're right: it LOOKS or sounds crazy based on most i see here.
I don`t think it`s crazy ............I drive the crap out of my 37` GMC " shop truck " I don`t worry about parkin it or filling up the bed with , treasures , groceries or parts ...........
I'm talking full fendered, non-chopped cab, bumpers and all. Maybe just leave it in red oxide primer. I have some spare fenders etc, that are not really choice pieces so if some crazy old soccer mom tags it, it wouldn't make me cry.
sounds good to me. i'd love to have an early beater, but i hate the salt in the winter here and dont care a bout the s10
I say go for it. I keep thinkin of doing something similar with a mid-50's International pickup my dad has. It's a rock solid truck that would make a good parts hauler for little work. Besides, most new vehicles suck!
I can dig it, was planning on doing the same thing with a '35 Ford longbox with a 9" rear and an injected 302...
here is one we just got done with.i know that it has shiny paint,but in your mind you can see it all rustic. -danny p.s. WE ARE ALL CRAZY,HERE ON THE BOARD.
I would lower it some, just to make stuff easier to load in and out, other than that, run it as it appears in the picture, well maybe not the hay bales. Would you expect to tow anything with it? I expect that's a maybe, so a 6 or bigger (as opposed to a 4 popper), and some better front brakes at least. Sounds like a cool project, keep us up on it.
I have been thinking on the same subject ,after finding a not too nice 40 Chebby pickup . My wife says " you know I won't ride in that thing don't you " now I have two reasons too do it.
Not a crazy Idea to me that is exacly what I did..really enjoy the truck and don't have to worry bout it..don't drive it in the winter though.
been thinking of doing the same thing with a 54 chevy I have. lowered and sbc with auto trans new glass tires and brakes but leave the body alone.
I prefer shiny paint but I know what will happen if that gets started... I have a 61 283 that used to be in my other 36, that may go back in it after some new gaskets. I would like to retain the wide 5 pattern but I think I would lose that if I go to juice brakes.
I think should donate it all to me. In all reality, that would be a great idea! That's similar reasoning behind me wanting the change the appearance and look of my truck. Go for it.
What's the big deal? It's not crazy at all. Remember, these were people's daily drivers once. I drive a '57 Chevy truck every day, anywhere, and it's no big deal.
Root, You've seen, and been around Slick (my 58). It was my first beater, and I never imagined how handy it would be. I've never be without another old, no worries, truck. And if you go through with it you'll be surprised how much attention it gets. I get 5 times the looks, nods, and cool truck comments, with Slick as I do with any shiney car I ever owned. People just seem to gravitate to old worn trucks, like people do a worn pair of Levi's. Go for it!
Even crazier.. i'm buiding a 54 Ford 1/2 ton with a utility box on it, to be used as a future Bonneville push truck/ supply vehicle..
i've already taken that leap in my household. no more new cars for me. i think it's a great idea. do it. -scott noteboom
Actually, the thought of a cool workhorse is what prompted me to sell one of my Hogs and invest the money in a truck. I'm doing a full gut-and-redo of my house and needed something to run up to Home Depot and bring back sheetrock, etc in. The new trucks that are small enough to fit in my garage just don't rock my world.
Roothawg, you're livin' my dream, except mine features a '49 Studebaker half ton. Which I still have to find. Nothing like having a truck into which you can throw stuff overhand.
Crazy? I must be a complete lunatic then. I have my shop beater truck to get parts for my other junk trucks, run errands, haul lumber, etc. - live in a big city area, never even lock it and wouldn't be worth the effort - not many people left capable or willing to drive it away anyhow. I just posted this over in the shops thread, but here's what I play with. I have fixed up the visuals a little here and there, not that it is too apparent, but mostly I have gone over the drivetrain and mechanicals, some things a few times over. But mostly it is just like the way I got it form the guy in Kansas that I bought off ebay. Got it pretty cheap and had it shipped out to CA and have been fooling around with it and enjoying it ever since. Now I have (2) others.
I have to be careful though, I have a tendency to overdo the obvious. It turns intoa full blown resto and I can't have that. I have way too much to do.