Here's a body I flamed for a customer' grandson. Never saw the finished product. I had one for my kids, but they grew too damn fast for me to ever finish it.
Shameless self promotion, but what the hell!! Here's a few of my boy's car. Nicer paint than anything I own-how did he pull that off!!?? Nic-O-Teen and Van knocked it out of the park.
Another doggone kiddie-kar thread! I was actually in my attic the other day and glanced over at the line of cars up there once or twice! 34 Plymouth, "Nellybelle" Jeep, 49-52 Chevrolet, weird lever steer 3wheel 60s thing, and I had forgotten the horse-drawn sulky(spelling?) thing too. Our Granddaughters Emilie(now 2), Catherine(now 9 months), and Grandson Ethan(now 7 months) would probably enjoy them. I can see some potential for bickering over who should get which or who should have gotten what in the future! I think I'm favoring the single dolly wheel up front with all else working but also see merit in the pull wagon system for a little security but Granna ain't gonna like being tail-end Charlie pickup up castaway toys etc.
Here is my son's pedal car in the works. Metalflake Candy Brandywine w/pinstripings. Thanks Dirty Steve & Cisneros for the awesome work!...You guys rocked it out on this one! The original interior was gutted out and will be getting new vinyl. And the wheels are getting the white wall treatment.
im very proud of my first pedal car i got it for $20 bucks at the flee market it was pretty straight concidering all the stories i was told that everyone did with there pedal car "when i was a kid" haha... i dont have steering on mine but i tow it from the front and was able to give it a little lift to get it going in the right direction and it was about 1/4 inch off the ground in the rear and scraped going on the sidewalk on everyones driveway haha. but my daughter loved it and would make a mean face everytime it scraped before after i added fins to the rear so it would look like a caddy and acually stole the chrome peices off of my 65 caddy and cut them to fit on the side i lifted my daughters wagon and stole the stock wheels for this and used harbor freight 89cent casters for the rear tall shifter with home depot drarw knob shifter mexican blanket interior and studs off of one of my old belts. i based it in black and used walmart glitter in the clear $5 for 3 big things of glitter. I probable had around $60 into the project and made a killing on it here is my latest car/ fire truck i also got for $20 it was ran into by previous owner car and all twisted up. The left front wheel wasnt even touching the ground i cut off the back end welded up the holes and added fins to this one also put the other two wheels from the wagon and got it in primer it just needs final sanding and for me to pick out a color
here is the one i saw in a magazine and knew i had to get one and put fins on it dont know who built it but it looks bitchen
Saw a cool kiddee car as a stroller...The parent had mounted a diaper on the back as a drag chute.Maybe it was a back up?
I would like more info on the one with the wire wheels. Where did you get that axle and the wheels? If you made the axle. How did you go about it? Got anty close ups of how the axle is mounted? Thanks in advance
Here is the one I just finished for my son.It is going to Moores Hot Rods to be pin stripped soon.I bought it off of clist and started cutting.Yes the lights work,I modified them to hold maglight bulbs and bought battery packs from radio shack.
My 2 yr old grandsons Pedal car My 4 yr old grandsons pedal car My one year old son's car, about to be painted.
I Just built a pedel car for my daughter and had it hand striped and lettered. It came out awesome but I painted it with PPG harlaquin paint. (the paint that switches colors) I painted the wheels the same color and they look okay.. But i was lookin for some custom five star wheels or something like that. I have been online a few times looking for them but was wondering if anyone on here knew where I could get a set.
one of these days I am going to do something with this for the grand kids I first need some grand kids!!
got er done!!! had to make the front axle / steering and added a pickup box with tailgate. paint is ferrari red.