See, not to criticize anyone else, all the pics in this thread are awesome, but this is what I think when I hear pedal car. Can you give a quick explanation or pics of the drivetrain? I wanted to build one for my niece when she was around 8, but I was going for a 2-seater that she could ride her friends in and I was making it way too complicated I think. Mathius
original 1941 steelcraft pedal plane i picked up at a swap meet and redid so santa could bring it to my kid for her 2nd christmas.
Had this pedal car for a while then other projects got in the way, but with a hot rod show coming up this sunday I had a burst of motivation to work on it again. I made up buckets to house rear lights and I cut out the front headlights and welded in plates so I could get a nice round hole to house the front lights. Also cut out the grill so I could make one out of stainless. The paint is aspen white base, then diamond silver, then strato blue metal flake, then regal blue candy, then clear -I hope to have pics of the pedal car in clear coat and out in the sun by saturday!!!!!
Just found this thread. I made this one from scratch for my little man's second birthday. Here's a link to my build thread.
Biskit, do you mind getting a couple of close up shots of your handle, and where it goes in to the frame? What's that cannister on the handle?
These all look great, but how do you store/display them? I just inherited a collection of about 12 restored pedal cars that my Grandmother and I restored years ago, and now I am looking for a neat way to display them in my shop.
I was thinking of.building a motorized car for my boy, maybe driveline out of a 70 atc or something, any of you guys thought of an alternative means of powering one????
My 1/3 scale '32 will DEFINITELY be motor-vated. I have a 5 hp horizontal shaft that's sitting in a chassis I built. I'd planned on making it a "ride on", but an RC sure would be cool!
Starting some projects but never done these before. Havent gotten a chassis built yet so it will sit low like this so if anyone can give me an easy idea that would be great
Heres a few pics of a Lincoln Zephyr i did a while ago. It is now in the Highway Patrol museum where children get thier pics taken in it.
I was thinking of roller skate or skateboard wheels on the back of mine because the body interferes with the wheels when I lower it like I want.
I used swivel wheels from a home supply store. They are to noisy when we cruise the neighborhood. So i Put skateboard trucks and wheels under the back,but the axle needs to be wider, I'll have to extend it.
I just got this one last night,,,no idea what make it is but not a DENT anywhere. As cool as a stroller it would make the novelty of the "ride" would wear off in a hurry on a long stroll such as a car show..Pretty tough for a 2 or 3 year old to nod off in a pedal car, and no napping makes babies cranky, I just spent a week in the oil patch with my new granddaughter ,,they still loud