Hi. Names Kevin,49, been a lurker since 05. Figured its time to get involved. Machinist, Mechanic, House remodeler, currently Contractor overseas. My Daily...when home, is a 29 Model A P/U. Fenderless, Traditional...Well I think so. Bought it built, been making changes and improvements as I go. 26 yrs Active/ Reserve as a Navy Machinist. I've helped build a few cars, never from the ground up for me...yet. I like a little bit of everything. Rod's ,Customs, Odd stuff. Like V8 pinto wagon converted to Ranchero, with Jag XJ hood and grill. Like I said Odd stuff. Always been interested in Custom body work...in steel. Done a little Lead work. My Home Schooled Metal project is an old Bug. All custom from the layed back windshield back. Picture mid 30's coupe. Figured learn on a 200.00 dollar car, nothing to loose. Looking forward to being more active here. Thanks Kevin
Yikes.... I don't know if I EVER want to see a picture of a Pinto wagon with an XJ hood and grille....blasphemy! Anyways, welcome to the Hamb from a former squid...USS Robert H McCard.....tin can sailor from The Great State of Maine