Tri-Five guys, what is happening with Danchuk? I know they quit doing retail sales, apparently sold to an employee. Why can't you contact them? I have money on a gift card, and I find impossible to get anybody to honor it. Woody's doesn't, nor any other Danchuk outlet. What gives? How about a response from Danchuk?
This page says the final date for gift card redemption was March 11-2022 ?? over five decades and,on Friday March 11, 2022.
When Danchuk announced (I read it about it that very day) they were no longer a store they gave gift card holders a cut off date.
Whoever took over the company presumably also took over the liabilities, so I would suppose have a legal obligation to honour them. You could research who the new owner is, and file against them in small claims court, but you'd have to decide if it's worth the hassle. But then again, maybe after getting served with notice of suit, they'd just send you the money.
I just read an article on its purchase the new owner is an equity investment LLC that was formed this last year, much like many other companies such as Eldebrock, Holley and many others in the last ten years or so. The Danchuk brothers are in their 80s and wanted out. The new company bought the manufacturing side, and the brother liquidated the retail side. They gave public notice of when the gift cards needed to be use and when the business would cease to exist. your gift card is worthless, Sorry but they followed the rules. Also, many of the parts sold by Danchuk where not manufactured by them and availability of those sources may come into question also. As has been stated on here and other web sites. many companies we have come to rely on are disappearing at an increasing rate. Times are changing faster and faster, Hell Machine shops, body shops, and upholstery shops are all but gone around here. Nobody building so nobody will need parts either. Supply and demand. Larry
Well, they offered the gift cards a month or two before they did this crap. I had the highest regard for Danchuk. They offered this highest quality parts to be had for Tri-Fives. I've got a bunch of receipts for stuff I bought from them over the years. Now the name Danchuk is crap in my book. They supposedly sent a notice that they wouldn't honor gift cars in the future. A gift card is money. Money doesn't expire. Thru some legal maneuvering, they have taken my money and I won't forget. I wouldn't do business with them if I was drowning, and they were selling life preservers.
I made fun of their product on my 57 Chevy thread, and they came in the thread and assured me of how all of their products are top quality. But I went back through the thread where the spring broke, and their posts are all gone. Guess that's business huh. And yet people wanna bad mouth Speedway, those people have only built 2 cars in their whole life.
I would think that it doesn't matter who bought the assets as long as they are not currently operating and representing themselves as Danchuk, they are not liable. They simply bought the assets of a defunct company. If someone purchases an item at a "going out of business sale" would they be responsible for that company's obligations when they go bankrupt? Sorry that you lost money on the gift card, but just chalk it up as one more life experience. I had a guy years ago that came and wanted some "free" dirt. Several contractors came and took hundreds of dump truck loads of dirt for projects they had nearby. The last guy was a crook. Showed up with a brand new backhoe so I thought he was legit. Left a mess with rootballs everywhere and even buried my gravel parking area with dirt. The simple agreement was that he would simply remove any debris and rough grade when done. Even signed a contract that he had. After numerous attempts to get him to come fix it, found out he was in trouble for dumping hazardous waste (and coving it with the dirt he got from me). His picture was in the local newspaper. Found out he was charging stuff to other companies accounts along with other debt problems. They arrested him and sold his home. While I was unaware of this stuff, I filed a small claims charge against him. Went to court and showed the judge the newspaper article that had come out while I was awaiting my court date. Told judge I wasn't looking for money, just wanted my property fixed. He gave the guy until his court date for the hazardous dumping to fix my property or pay me $2K. Guy left town and never saw him again......... The point simply is that while its ok to talk about getting whats owed you, its often a waste of time...and money.
Reading the article again, it appears that they are still in the manufacturing business, but only selling to dealers now: "...Danchuk started and focus on our manufacturing and closing our retail operation on Friday March 11, 2022. Danchuk will no longer sell directly to the public, but will focus solely on our dealers and supplying them..." But I do agree that it may not be worth the trouble going after the money owed.
I received an email today that Mutton Hollow Chevys is still redeeming Danchuk gift cards. I remembered reading this thread and thought I would pass it along.