IDK says on there site they`ll let post on there site next week.. Just like eveyrthing else people can`t let a good thing alone and with all the talk etc its turning into a shit show.. Brian If i get my blown,Nitrous,injected BBC done and in the nova I`ll come play....
Yeah I should have cleared up my post afterwards. Someone sent me a PM and gave me the scoop. Sounds promising. Posted using the Full Custom H.A.M.B. App!
NP here idk whats really going on havent talked to anyone in the know just what a few people are saying which i take with a grain of salt... We`ll know soon enough. Thanks it`s pretty Bitchin I`m lucky to have it.. Been what i dreamed of for a long time.
That and that it was a piece of sheet metal bent and welded to a thick piece of linkage haha. It was sticky too
This little bastard loosened up in my distributor and caused a bunch of Havoc!! Mallory parst are getting hard to find! Need some points if anyone has any.