I have been casually building a copy of my high school hot rod I built in 1961. It is a '40 Ford coupe with an Olds 324 V8. I have been working on it for about 4 years in my shop. Well about 3 months ago I received a diagnosis of incurable Pancreatic Cancer. I thought I had plenty of time to finish it. Looks like I have about a year if I'm lucky. So I plan to get the project as far along as possible to sell it to raise funds to leave for my wife. When my Hot Rod buddies learned of this news they decided to have some garage parties in my shop to push the project along and maybe get it running before I pass. What a great group of friends along with some family hot rod guys! They won't let me do anything but sit and point what I want done. The chemo therapy has taken most of my energy so they insist on doing the heavy lifting. They got the short block built last week. The heads are going on next week I think. Stay tuned. View attachment 4273197
I am in your neck of the woods. Anything I can do to contribute to the project I am in. Just let me know.
Sorry to here the diagnosis, this does show who your true friends are though. And it sounds like you have some great ones. If I was closer I would be there working with them too. Best of luck, Brian
Family and friends are the most valuable thing we have in this life, and with friends like that, you are a very rich man! So sorry to hear of your prognosis, may you get to see the completion of your 40 and a chance to drive it!
Don't really know what to say except that in life, the only thing that really matters is the love from family and friends. I am glad you have such good friends. May God bless you and them.
Life would be so much less without family and friends. My older brother went down the same road. Unfortunately he was 1400 miles away and I couldn't be there to help him with his T-V8 project. It now resides in my garage and I'll finish it in his memory. Hope your '40 is up and running soon and you get get to enjoy many miles behind the wheel. The Texas Hot Rod Hundred, put on by the Cross Members CC is not too far off. Great event with a great message. Lee
Yeh I’ll second these thoughts. Glad your friends are there to help you and your wife. Good luck and keep us up to date. God bless. Regards, Randy Sent from my iPhone using H.A.M.B.
Pancreatic cancer is a bitch. I have a few extra 40 parts , let me know if you need anything I may have . Later Bill
You sir are a brave man. I sure hope your pals can get it stuck together in time for you to get out and enjoy it with your wife. God bless.
blactrat40 you have to be a great guy to your friends and family, and this time it is payback for you. Stay strong and keep the faith, we all are praying for you. Keith.
Sorry to hear about your problem. I have been following your build and hope that with the help of those GOOD friends it can be finished.
I absolutely know what you are going thru. A year ago when I went for my final follow-up appointment for kidney cancer (had my left kidney removed in 2009 and been good ever since) they found it had returned. Re-occurring kidney cancer is considered incurable. They gave me 6 months to 3 years to live. I had started my '32 5 window build about 6 months before we got the news ( https://www.jalopyjournal.com/forum/threads/my-32-5-window-project.1104121/ ). I've had friends drop what they are doing to help me out. It's a humbling feeling. Car friends are the best friends, they know what that passion feels like. Keep your spirits up, enjoy every day and make the most of them. Hearing those words from the doctors really takes the air out of you (I hit the floor, literally). It's not something I would wish on my enemies. Stay strong, keep us posted and you will find you have a huge extended family here that understands at least some of what you are going thru. Drive that '40 and maybe I can drive down in my '32 for a visit. SPark
You have some very good friends, @LM14, you too. Your diagnoses leave me at a loss for words right now. Will be watching though, praying also.
Well, I hope you get to drive that 40, even if its just around the block, these people are truly your friends. All the best, hang in there.
I know for fact that not only myself but many others would love to be there to help you on the 40 if only we could! Since we can't, I for one will say prayers for you, your wife, family and friends. Keep strong my friend and hoping that you get to drive and enjoy the old girl for many miles. Please keep posting pictures of the progress so we all can feel a part of what is going on and send strength your way.
@blackrat40...very troubling opening this thread up to read this. I extend healing thoughts your way and hope for a return to full strength for you to tackle this very difficult battle. It's really awesome for the help and comradery that has arrived to help with your struggle in life. I cleaned up this cool old pic of yours and splashed some color to it for you... May the strength of your younger self return to fight this beast... Regards, Stogy Hamber Blackrats Thread below... https://www.jalopyjournal.com/forum/threads/building-the-black-rat-40.1083061/