My heart felt condolences to his family and friends. (Thank you kidcampbell71 for posting this sad news, I was just wondering what has happened)
Pancreatic cancer took my mom just before her 81st birthday. Bobss396 is right, pancreatic cancer is the worst of the worst. RIP and enjoy the view from above.
I, too, was recently wondering about him. So sorry to read this today. Couldn't help but to shed a few tears even though I didn't really know him. Really hate to lose anyone, I have lost a few friends to pancreatic cancer. Rest in Peace, my dear Sir. Ron
RIP Mickey! You gave it a good fight! A buddy down the street from us also has pancreatic cancer, and the tumor is wrapped around his celiac artery. They have been able to shrink the tumor with radiation and chemo, but surgery is not an option. He has decided not to have any more medical treatment but is doing some homeopathic stuff instead. He has a driveable but unfinished '37 Plymouth with a 472 Cadillac motor that he is working to finish up for his son before the cancer gets a second wind. The interior is at the upholstery shop, and it needs a complete re-wire which he has someone lined up to do. Nearly two years ago he sent Moore's Auto Salvage in Rapid City, SD a significant sum of money to ship him some bumpers and trim pieces. In spite of many phone calls, emails, and filing a mail fraud claim, those assholes have never shipped anything.
I was content thinking no news is good news, today we hear Micky lost his fight, I would like to offer my heartfelt sympathy to the family and his many friends. Rest in peace Micky, with your positive outlook you touched more lives than you knew. HRP
I am sad to hear the news, I was hopeful that Micky could beat the dreaded cancer but alas it just wasn't meant to be, I guess. I always look for some good in everything that happens and in this all I can come up with is he doesn't have to suffer anymore! My condolences to Micky's family and many good friends.
Very sad news. A true hot rod guy. My deepest sympathy to his family. God Bless. Sent from my iPad using H.A.M.B.
I hate to hear it. Pancreatic cancer got my uncle also. Its not a pleasant way to go. God bless him and his family.
Dammit! I got in touch with Mick after his post......... We chatted about things, and He had a great "tude about it. We discussed as men, and life...... I'm sorry he lost the fight. RIP my friend.........
Condolences to Hamber Blackrat's Family and Friends in his passing...I enjoyed my short chats with him here about his life around Hotrods and Go Fast. Rest in Peace Hotrodder... Regards, Stogy
A dear friend of mine of 40 years was lost to exactly the same type of PC tumor last summer. He thought he'd almost beaten it as his last scan 2 months earlier had shown they had managed to shrink it to almost nothing, with chemo and radio over the previous 12+ months of treatment, but 4 weeks before he was due for a followup scan, he fell very ill, and within a week was in a hospice, and within another few days he was gone, leaving a wife of 25 years and 3 kids, aged 19, 17 & 15. Its a very grim cancer with almost always only one outcome.
A very close friend, neighbor and a car guy s well passed last week after a 2 1/2 year battle with first Esophogeal and then Brain cancer. He was always there doing for others and was very active in our church youth ministry. He was a great man. Why does Cancer always seem to attack our best? Rich Baker you are going to be truly missed by many Rest In Peace.