It's nice to have off site storage , my mom's place is only a few minutes away. In a few years I'm hoping to have less town, more compound. But it looks like you might need to add another wing to the compound.
Hey Mark, be happy to clear a spot in the garage if you want to ship one here. Ofcourse I’d fire it up now and then and run it around…ya know, just to keep it in working order
Would be pretty easy choice for me. Not much of a convert guy. I'd rather drive the Chrysler over the Gm car though.
I even spied a cute little flamed OT pickup in the background that looked pretty cool that we won’t talk about here.
haha, one of the stipulations my homeowners insurance agent had when she heard I had cars in the living room of my house was, that they did not have batteries and had never had gasoline in them. They do not want a house fire claim caused by a car that was in the house. I could drive it if I really wanted to, It has everything it needs to have to be a car, but with no title, no VIN and no one will insure it (legally, yes I checked) there really is no good reason to drive it. I drove Roths Road Agent a couple of times when I had it. It is so unbelievably hot under a bubble top that all you want to do is get out....
Well if you want I could be the care taker of the vet I could be the stereo typical vet owner and tell everyone how rare and valuable it is. With matching lawn chairs and a matching cooler at the car shows.
So you can drive it, and insure it. Just seems strange why the car would be missing the vin plate and have no title. How can you prove ownership, if someone claims it's theirs?
there is so much about that car that is not street legal . there really is no point in trying to license it. the vin plate is not missing, It never had one. None of Roths showcars had vins or titles, the Dream rod does not have a vin or a title
OK humor me, it started out as a 55, 56 Chev, which had a serial number tag on it. Probably in the drivers door A pillar. It must have been licensed and titled when bought from a dealer before it was customized, so what happened? Not that it's any of my business.
BJR, the completely hand built cars have no VIN or title. The 2 chevys do have VINs and titles. This is the futurian that he mentioned is not road legal in post #16. It's the link in his signature... and you may ask yourself, where does he get all those wonderful toys? He built that one! Check out the thread.
You are thinking of a different car. This is the futurian. I started with a pile of tubing and fiberglass. There was no car
^^ such a cool car! ^^ That was an exciting time with these show rods being built & restored - Edit (when the originals were being restored) It would be wild seeing those Chevy's (sorry don't remember their names) cruising about Edit - I wasn't there for the first time around but was for the revival of the early 2000's
I was on the beach the other night with some friends after a car cruise, and we were partaking in some...reminiscence about the late 60's and early 70's era. You know, bell bottoms, halter tops (mostly on the girls), long hair (mostly on the dudes) really bad beer, far out music, groovy show cars and uh wait, what was I saying?
You are sooooo correct. I was thinking of your orange car since it was the one pictured. That's why it didn't make any sense to me. Sorry for the mix up. I need a score car with your cars and their names so my old brain can keep it all straight.