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Hot Rods Deuce guys are in trouble

Discussion in 'The Hokey Ass Message Board' started by Andy, Oct 25, 2016.

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  1. Deucedreamer
    Joined: Jan 11, 2010
    Posts: 548

    from BC Canada

    IF '32 fords are coming down in price, then the above is the reason. They are expensive, lets be honest. And most people can't afford them so they buy other cars instead. And I truly believe the people saying Deuces are "overrated" or "old news" either don't have one or can't afford one. So lets not make those people the standard by which we judge the deuce market. Has anyone looked at the HAMB classifieds lately? I just saw a Henry deuce 3 window, all original, ALL APART for $60k. That owner must not have gotten the news his Henry car wasn't worth as much anymore. I feel very fortunate to own two Henry Deuces. They aren't my investment, they're my hobby and they'll never be sold unless I absolutely need to(such as I will lose my house if I don't sell them). My wife and I were married in my deuce Tudor, brought my daughter home from the hospital in the car and one day I hope to pass it on to her. The car is a part of the family.....just the way it is. I'm building my deuce roadster with my Dad as a father/son project with hopes of going to LARS. It's slow right now due to finances, but hopefully I will have it on the road in a year or two. It will have tons of meaning as wel. It'll never be sold but If I did sell it, they'd both be "expensive". And if they had no takers, I wouldn't lower the price, I would just wait.....
    j3harleys, arkiehotrods and wicarnut like this.
  2. Hnstray
    Joined: Aug 23, 2009
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    from Quincy, IL

    Things are not worth what you ASK for them...........they are worth what you can GET for them.

    lewk, j3harleys, clunker and 5 others like this.
  3. falcongeorge
    Joined: Aug 26, 2010
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    from BC

    Im not singling out deuces. The inevitable trend in enthusiast car prices is downwards. Musclecar era cars may hold a few years longer, because they appeal to a slightly younger (like maybe 5-10 years?) demographic, and to be sure there are a few (VERY few) younger people that are interested in the cars we love, but as the population gets younger, and the guys that have these cars die (lets be blunt) you will have more and more cars chasing fewer and fewer buyers. It is what it is.
    Hnstray and wicarnut like this.
  4. 19Eddy30
    Joined: Mar 27, 2011
    Posts: 2,999

    from VA

    The Last 8 years are catching up with us , and it will get much worse if H get in,

    A real Henry Ford 32 all steal full fender's completely done with 39 motor & trans , was Just picked up for Low 20s, owner passed kids sold it , they new what it was ,but did not care,
    There was another one that was in a museum ,the owner had with its trailer 1932-33
    They sold for 50 ,
    Last edited: Oct 25, 2016
    Joined: Jan 24, 2010
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    from IDAHO

    I do not give a rats arse about the price of deuces since I drive and enjoy mine at 68 years of age and will keep doing this until my License is not renewed....
    i.rant, robracer1 and lothiandon1940 like this.
  6. Fuelaltereds4life
    Joined: Dec 12, 2012
    Posts: 132


    I think the hobby as a whole is in trouble. I am a younger guy "35" and i can say without hesitation that people younger than me, i.e, millenials, have no interest in old cars. Im sure there are exceptions but the majority see our hobby as destructive to the environment. Most of them believe in human caused climate change and will eagerly support any law or legislation that brings the era of fossile fuels to an end. With the era of self driving and electric cars on the horizon I would bet that you wont even be able to operate you duece on a public road... never mind sell it. I say enjoy it while you can!

    Sent from my SM-G920V using The H.A.M.B. mobile app
    LOU WELLS and clem like this.
  7. I'm still waiting for deuce prices to get down to the $100 range again. I'm in no hurry.
  8. RaginPin3Appl3
    Joined: Mar 31, 2016
    Posts: 1,269


    Dont you say that!
  9. 19Eddy30
    Joined: Mar 27, 2011
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    from VA

    They are miss lead and uneducated ,
    Mount Saint Helens when it irrupt in USA , it put more pollution out in Air then man has since the evolution of oil / coal use ,
    Pretty much everything you use , own , touch has oil ,
    there's no way we Just get off oil / petroleum
    gas & guns and falcongeorge like this.
  10. brigrat
    Joined: Nov 9, 2007
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    from Wa.St.

    deucedreamer , I was the first to say they are "overrated" knowing it would get a rise out of most deuce owners (notice I didn't capitalize "deuce"). It's not that I am jealous or can't afford one, I could sell my house and buy 3 or 4! I have just moved on, in fact at car gatherings and shows I find myself gravitated to "nasty" built "Model A's" over a deuce the same distance away. Go figure! I have nothing against them at all BUT now it takes an awful nice or nasty deuce to catch my eye in the sea of deuce's.........................................
  11. DDDenny
    Joined: Feb 6, 2015
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    from oregon

    I've spent 90% of my lifes' money on hot rods, the rest I wasted.
    What's the point to all this talk, who reads the Economist anyway.
  12. gearheadbill
    Joined: Oct 11, 2002
    Posts: 1,319


    I hope its 40's...I just bought 3 of them.
    lewk, i.rant and rramjet like this.
  13. brigrat
    Joined: Nov 9, 2007
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    from Wa.St.

    Well we might as well air out our dirty laundry now! When I was little, I am 5'4" now so I must of been 4'5" than my first hot rod car model I built was a '40 Ford. You would think that now at almost 70 I would have to have a real one! Nope another year that just doesn't cut it for me! Course if you were talking about moriority's '40 with Cad. that would do it for me.......................................
    lothiandon1940 likes this.
  14. 19Eddy30
    Joined: Mar 27, 2011
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    from VA

    I like all decades of cars , I drive my cars,
    I have had more then 30 cars /trucks over last 35 years & I am in my 40's,
    30s 40s 60s early 70s no 50s but I like them
    First car I was 11 , not a Rich kid , I worked ,
    But """ SO MANY """only drive there car / truck ONLY 10 or 20 miles a week !!!!
  15. arkiehotrods
    Joined: Mar 9, 2006
    Posts: 6,802


    I typed 1932 Ford into eBay's search, then clicked "sold listings." Eliminating the non-1932 Fords from the results netted 55 1932 Fords that sold. That seems a bit more than 3. And the prices varied, depending on the vehicle (glass vs steel, original vs modified, etc) but I would say that '32 Fords are still popular and still in demand. Not time to write the obituary just yet.
    LOU WELLS, robracer1 and Deucedreamer like this.
  16. Larry T
    Joined: Nov 24, 2004
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    Larry T

    Haven't 32s been "The" hotrod since the mid 40s? That's 70 years of "What's going to knock the 32 off the top of the heap?"

    I kind of doubt that that's gonna change now.
    Last edited: Oct 26, 2016
    LOU WELLS and Deucedreamer like this.
  17. 47ragtop
    Joined: Feb 8, 2007
    Posts: 663


    Just read this entire thread , very interesting . Two completely different opinions about the prices going up or coming down. Never owned a 32 but I owned 12 33' and 34's , sold my last 34 a Vicky in 1985. Thought they had topped out then and soon would be coming down. Shows what little I knew !! I have fooled with 46- 48 Chevy's since then , because they were cheap , plentiful , and easy to sell. Now I want another 40 Ford coupe but must not want one bad enough because I think they are still too high even though they have definitely come down in price. As stated earlier , there is a difference in the asking price and selling price. Yes due to our age mainly , I think there will be a large Price adjustment on 32-40 Fords. But we already know , I don't know doddley squat !!
  18. cavman
    Joined: Mar 23, 2005
    Posts: 676


    I'll be in my 70's when and if I get my 5 window done....maybe I should bail now and work on my '53 gasser while there is still money out there :) (I'm 69 now)
  19. 19Eddy30
    Joined: Mar 27, 2011
    Posts: 2,999

    from VA

    I think people with $$$$ have drove all prices up over Last 25-30 years
    They want to Buy /Own ,,,,, NOT BUILED THERESELF!!!
    It's a passion ,lifestyle Not for profit !!!
    It's different if you have a disability and you cannot build your own but all these people who are buying cars @ $$$$$$ don't have a disability ,
    Your not a real car people ,
    Last edited: Oct 25, 2016
    LOU WELLS likes this.
    Joined: Jan 18, 2011
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    from alabama

    IMG_20161011_155348654.jpg Love my '32's I've owned...loved my Model A's I've owned....and Love the '32 5 Window I'm finishing problem, I like them all but choose to own Model A's and '32''s a choice...haters gonna Hate.....get over it....If you have a problem with a certain year car, "It's Your Problem" doesn't hurt or bother anyone but with that 72 year old brother just got his first Hot Rod...Street Rod...what ever you want or choose to call it...he's always been into letting his money be determined by the Stock Market....Took him to the NSRA Street Rod Nationals few months ago...when we came through the gate he was like a kid at the Fair....when we went into the building, he couldn't believe how BIG this sport is...You can buy a BRAND NEW '32 5 Window, 3 Window, '40 Ford Coupe, Camaro, '55 Chevy. '57 Chevy and buy any part for them your little heart desires.......all these products had to be manufactured by someone believing there product would sell to a consumer......These are people with MONEY to have these parts and misc. items manufactured.....they didn't get Rich by thinking everything they invested in would lose was just the opposite...SO...with that said...I feel our Sport is as Strong or Stronger than it ever was......If you don't like the sport, I wont say get out, but I will say find something that makes you happy and choose to do it....Life is too short to sit around and gripe...DO SOMETHING FUN !!!!!

    Attached Files:

    zombiecat, wkends, LOU WELLS and 2 others like this.
  21. bet on black
    Joined: Apr 2, 2008
    Posts: 57

    bet on black

    Hope the prices come down so us non-deuce guys can afford deuces. I'd pretty much decided I can't ever afford one
  22. jailhousebob
    Joined: Jun 18, 2009
    Posts: 889

    from Illinois

    Wow,i'm glad someone told me i was in trouble.I had no idea! The 32 Ford has been an iconic vehicle since way before i was born and i'm 60 so if it's a Fad it has REALLY caught on.Anyone who thinks it is the "current thing" just plain don't get it.You may not like them or even want one but that does not change their place in the history of Hot Rodding or the collector car hobby. I'm talking about REAL 32 Fords ,not the multitude of 32 Ford shaped objects out there.You know ,the plastic ones with the bowtie motors and aftermarket everything else.I do believe that the current economic and political climate has slowed sales across the board but the good stuff will always have a market so i don't think we will be seeing any Deuce owners jumping out of windows any time soon. But what do i know. Bob
    LOU WELLS and continentaljohn like this.
  23. falcongeorge
    Joined: Aug 26, 2010
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    from BC

    and away we go....:rolleyes:
    Joined: Jun 3, 2005
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    Yeah, that would be weird, to me at least.
    Try it in classic Andrew Dice Clay...:cool:
    Sancho, dan31, clunker and 1 other person like this.
  25. Jimmy2car
    Joined: Nov 26, 2003
    Posts: 1,707

    from No. Cal

    As some others have said, If you're in this hobby for the money, you are a fool & on the wrong forum
    zombiecat, LOU WELLS, wraymen and 3 others like this.
    Joined: Jun 3, 2005
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    And I've heard that one too and have to add a heart felt "BULLSHIT" just as I have for over 30 years. Calling that generation "millennials" is just a media word for slap fucks that follow the crowd. Flip em off as you grab a gear passing em in their Prius. Seems to me we've never been a crowd of followers and don't bow down to someone's pissy view of our own finite market. Those pimple face D student fucks on Wall St can't manipulate the number of cars available, can't "cook the books" like default swaps, can't get a grip on the aesthetics and nor the will most have to earn, hustle, trade, and get what we want with sharp thinking and honest deals. Ya think any of em know what a flathead is? I heard one say "Packard used to build cars too? Wow.." "Duesenberg? Is that a German car?" Or look at a 40 Chevy and call it a Deuce trying to be cool. That's not new and they will Never be a market for us and our stuff. Ask yourselves why major financial institutions view this stuff as tangible assets now. Getting conventional financing for any vintage car used to be a joke. Not now, several will gladly fund it and at very favorable rates too. Sorry, I doubt you'll find "0% down and no payments til January 1st!" but there are some decent rates and some plans up to 60 months. Millennials...WTF. I guess some of us are Art Decos ...:eek:
  27. Dirty Dug
    Joined: Jan 11, 2003
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    Dirty Dug

    Yeah, they're quaking in their boots.
    Squablow and LOU WELLS like this.
  28. banjorear
    Joined: Jul 30, 2004
    Posts: 4,690


    Shit, might as well buy a deuce for $20K than a grille shell for $1,500-1,700. Seems like '32 parts are climbing higher than whole car prices.
  29. Ron Brown
    Joined: Jul 6, 2015
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    Ron Brown

    I check Craigslist in Calif. all the time and all the time its the same cars that were for sale last month and the month before that. Ive been in the construction trade for 35 years and cant remember when the economy has been this bad, this long. One thing that never changes is any time there is an election pending, service calls drop dramatically. People get a little spooked when politicians start talking taxes, never mind the cost of health care rising constantly...discretionary money has dried up for most working families, with health care deductables reaching 5 digits regularly and government threats of penalties and/or jail time for not complying, people are struggling. Luckily many here on the HAMB are older, established and pretty much set in their lives, but if your under 50 I can guarantee, most are having a hard time of it nowdays. I see it in the guys that work in my dept. They all make way better than average wages, top 10% of earners, but all struggle daily and work as much OT as I can get them. Its not only the car market either, I have an extensive collection of quality guitars, some of which I've had listed on CL for well over a year now, for reasonable prices and I could have traded them for just about anything under the sun several times, but I paid cash for them and want cash for them and cant even get an offer. 6-7 years ago I bought and sold guitars regularly with no problem...not so now days. All this being said, Im not so sure solid Henry steel cars are going down much in value, there just aren't alot of buyers out there right now willing to turn over the cash. When, if ever, the government takes their hands off our throats, we may see sales and purchases come back again...when people are unsure of the future, hobbies suffer.
  30. choptop40
    Joined: Dec 23, 2009
    Posts: 5,668


    Gold plated my behind , most of the crowd put a lot of sweat into these builds....they are cheap compared to go build one....stfu unless go work overtime and bring bag lunch...or what the fuck ever...
    LOU WELLS likes this.
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