First I have ever seen of this process: Did a search here and didn't find any links or discussion on dieless sheet metal forming.
Yes that works and what a neat concept. Man that would be so useful at a hot rod shop for restoration and customization. Just imagine the posibilities. Also seems like a pretty simple machine I bet the cost of the technology wil come down in price much faster than say the 3-d printers took.
It's been around but Ford appears to be doing it differently than this:
Not only are they "out there" but if you don't need great accuracy they are relatively cheap. Scanning and CAD CAM isn't what's holding back affordable sheet metal forming.
sweet. it looks as if its pretty similar to a fanuc-based cnc mill, design and function wise. most decent cnc guys could run and program one of these with very little re-training. looks to have some seriously cool uses. i fear the amount of run time, program time and machine costs will keep it from being viable for a while though.
There are lots of 3D printers available that support additive manufacturing in metal and one of the major players was just acquired: