Tired of the same old open element air cleaners -more muscle car era-and the billet stuff is so common they look cheap IMO-, ,old school Caddy style is not the correct era for my 46 (early 60's style),looking for ideas + sources for one ,the old cals scoops would work except they have no air cleaner element, just cheap foam,A chrome guy at the swaps carried a chrome bell 14-15", but he does'nt carry them any more, sources?
You ever seen those clocks on the wall at speed shops? You know...the ones made out of a 14" Moroso air cleaner??? Why not turn it around...buy a cheap 14" or so round batter operated clock and use it as an air cleaner lid with the element below it. Just use screws or spring clips to attatch the clock over your simple round air cleaner...put in a battery, set the time...and you're Disco!
Although it may be slightly overdone, you could use a 14" Moon disc as an aircleaner cover & find a small 3-bar spinner for a nut...
I like the cake/pie pan/bowl idea,wonder if the wife will mind me using her FRIZBEE antique one, LOL,THAT would be different,with one of HER old shoes stickin right out of my posterior,I bet, LOL, moon disc is good too, tho spendy for a full set maybe i can find a single at a swap.Not sure about the clock ideas, vibration may cuase the battery's to fall into the carb causing a open choke thing.tho it could be delt with a retainer strap.
Far as I know, Moon sells their discs individually. At least they're priced that way. Keep in mind that a Moon Disc for a 13" wheel is 14" in diameter. The same rule holds true for the other sizes. 14" wheel takes a 15" OD disc, 15" wheel takes a 16" disc etc.
[ QUOTE ] Keep in mind that a Moon Disc for a 13" wheel is 14" in diameter. [/ QUOTE ] I've found the 14" discs almost perfect for 14" air cleaners despite the diameter difference...I used one on a rusty old summit & made it look 1000 times better!
[ QUOTE ] it was the breast I could do [/ QUOTE ] Careful now; it's Sunday, and this is a "family" board!! BUT, I'll give it a FIVE STAR rating! (the air cleaner!! ) BTW - Just where can one get those covers from? Most of the ones I've seen are plastic.
If you want MOON Disc style caps for your wheels or as an aircleaner, just check with a local hubcap dealer. I got the ones for the Freak-conoline for $25 each! Look like the ones from MOON, to me!