Don't feel bad if at first you think "This really sucks!" It's a huge change and they aren't too much fun for a few months. My kids are the best thing in my life, but getting started can be a bit rough. Don't feel bad to admit it.
My fingers are crossed that you enlised the likes of our loveable Mr. Carnine (C9) to share more of his and his brother's experiences! Good luck and congrats with the maternity leave.......... I suggest you get the epidural (Not her, you, I bet it'd be awesome)!
Have a great break and best of luck with the new one! I'll second what the guy said above, "stay away from the iPhone", or you're not really staying away.
That's a new one. Enjoy some time off Ryan and give the Mrs all our best. We'll see ya back here in a few weeks all bloodshot and bleary eyed.
Ryan, What you need to do is,go out to the garage and start up the flatty. Get a recorder and record it. Then play it on a continous loop to the baby,just like those experts do with Opera music. I took my wife,when she was pregnant, to Ascot Speedway for the CRA sprint cars,and everytime the cars would go into turn 1,my son (didn't know it was a boy yet)would kick the crap out of her!!! She says "I think he doesn't like it". I laughed and said,"are you kidding? He's applauding!!!".
Me too starting next Wednesday. Wife gets induced at 5AM Thursday morning. This child (boy) will be our second. Congrats on yours too.
See you buddy... Have a good time off with the Fam.. Too bad your not going to Maui.. i'll keep an eye on HHRdave for you..hahahahaha
Ryan and Marcy, good luck with the child bearing process, and if the doctor tells you to sit down and be quiet [ like he told me], just do it , it seems to go smoother that way. We'll miss ya.
i thought all of us crybabies was enough for you.... 24-7 at home and all us crybabies here where will your next time away be? ... ......if you swipe a dirty diaper unknowingly on your cuff and find out during dinner ... think of me
Do what you need to do & enjoy your family;.......just don't have so much fun that you forget to come back!
Ya know this is really true!!! When my wife was prego with our first child(my daughter who is now 8) we would always ride in my f350 crew cab dually, well it was old, non turbo and diesel 7.3l. It was soothing to her(my daughter) When she would be restless in my wife's belly, we would go crank up the dually and just sit in it while idling. She would calm down and stop going nuts ha ha. So I make these engine noises all the time while laying there talking to my wife's belly, she thought I was nuts, but everyone who knows me knows I am. When Miranda was born, within minutes the nurse and I were bathing her, and she was screaming bloody murder, so I held her little hands and started making my goofy diesel and engine noises. She stopped crying and the nurse was just trippin out. So was my wife and I. Anyhow the noise thing really works. As she got older, when she would cry, or not be able to goto sleep, we would sit in the driveway or go for a ride in the dually and she would be out in no time. Kids are freakin awesome... I won't get into how she went in to labor 26 miles down the beach in the 4x4 only zone (she wasn't due for 2 more weeks)
Ryan, Congrats. My oldest just graduated from high school this week, and last night was his prom. He got home at 6:00 am, and I am up and leaving to hopefully make York at 7:00. Let me know if I can help you with a story or something. Jay
And a well deserved break it is Im sure. Enjoy your time off and we will be here when you get back! (We'll try not to trash the place)