Excelsior! Biological imperative achieved! Congrats to you and Marcy for another successful spawning expedition. Let me know if you need any emergency provisions (No-Doz, ear plugs, nose-plugs, etc), hope to drop by for a look-see of the young lad in Austin soon.
Congratulations and best wishes of good health and happiness to you and yours! Enjoy your vacation and we promise we won't play on the stove...
You go g...uh, boy. Congrats, get ready to show total total strangers what a GOOD LOOKING bady looks like everytime you pull those pics out of your shirt pocket!!
HAMBurgers! Maybe we could do a deal with the "golden arches" to organise World wide distribution with the McHAMB meal. Seriously though, hope all goes/went well with Miller's birthday. I really don't like change, but the new TJJ format looks good and I'll get used to it.
Congrats, Ryan. Enjoy the well deserved break. Even more so, enjoy getting to know your expanding family. Best wishes and God bless...
I wish I would of ate my children and went straight to the grandkids. My best to Marcie and the little one.
Congrats Ryan, you on top of the world my friend. Everything looks great around here and give Marcie our best. We'll see you in a bit.