My problem is that i did a 11in. disc brake upgrade on a Mustang 2 front end. I now noticed that the stock bottom control arm is rubbing on the disc. I ground off some of the arm to get clearnce. but it still rubs in turns. am i over looking another problem, or should i just keep grinding away. And by the way i did a total rebuild of all the bushings and ball joints.
Common issue, you need to hammer the end of the stock control arm back to gain the clearance you need.
Are the inner bearings the same, as the old rotors? If not,.they may be letting the rotor be too far inboard. 4TTRUK
Elpolacko is right on the money, but the bearings on the 11" brake conversions does require changing the inner bearing and race, outer is the same. Something else to look at while your wrenching on it, maybe whoever (if not you) put it together didn't know this.
That's the first I've heard of that. I installed 11" Granada rotors on stock M-2 spindles many years ago with no bearing/race changes needed or suggested, and have no clearance issues with stock lower arms. Could dropped spindles and/or newer rotors be the problem?
I bought the lower control arms from Speedway the cheap ones.The arms are not right for 11 rotors.If you want to fix it right buy the tubular lower arms.
I should have noted in my reply that the race/bearing swap is needed when using the GM rotors, not on the Granada rotor, my bad
I had mustang orginal lower arms and spindles.They worked good no problems.This truck went off rode and bent the lower ball jount.I bought Speedways stamped a arm,then i had problem grinding,hammering,grinding hammer get the point. They are made wrong or not to be used with Granada rotors. I would buy the tubulur ones,or get stock M2 arms.