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Art & Inspiration Do you ever wonder about really smart guys?

Discussion in 'The Hokey Ass Message Board' started by willys36, Dec 6, 2018.

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  1. trollst
    Joined: Jan 27, 2012
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    Gene, I agree, it seems to me we are becoming lazier, as a society, we want technology to replace any effort we might have to make. We don't want to drive a car when it'll do it, shopping? no.....too much effort, fixing things? No....get a new one, so many skills we take for granted that were learned by trial and error, backing up a trailer, now the truck does it for you. I learned to drive a car when you had to learn several skills, remember parallell parking? Pull up, push the clutch in, turn in the seat to look out the back, ease the clutch out partially and turn the large non power steering wheel while assessing the events around you, and somehow complete the act without stalling it.
    We have become lazy, groceries come to your door, computers think for you, cars drive themselves, clutches in anything are disapearing, we don't have to think, I see it as a real detriment to mankind, creativity isn't nurtured anymore, thinking outside the box and challenging your peers is frowned upon like never before. We are the really smart people, people like us that tear things apart and repair them to better than they were new, we collect pieces from everywhere and make them work together, we are still able to make things based on a concept in each of our heads, most of us are fiercely independent, recognising and only respecting those we see as equals and who are like minded.
    Think about it......
  2. Johnny Gee
    Joined: Dec 3, 2009
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    Johnny Gee
    from Downey, Ca

    "I think I'll try whats coming out of that chickens butt". Voilà! breakfast was invented.
  3. insinna
    Joined: Aug 10, 2014
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  4. insinna
    Joined: Aug 10, 2014
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  5. gimpyshotrods
    Joined: May 20, 2009
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    I am not building the technology that I am building because people are lazy. I am building it because people are dangerous. Maybe you don't care, but I am trying to save lives, by creating new technology.

    Someone is killed roughly every 14-minutes on US roads. That's about 102-a-day, or about 37,000-a-year.

    About 7,000 people 65 or older are killed every year driving. This is a public health issue, just like a disease outbreak.

    Nobody is saying you need to stop driving. This is about stopping people who should not be driving, from being forced to drive, and to stop them from hitting your precious ride (or your kid in the crosswalk). Old technology does not do this.

    The added plus is, every single iteration of technology that we develop on the way, is spun-off into the corporate fleet, as soon as it becomes stable.

    Creativity is by no means dead. That is a very narrow and cynical way of looking at it. Creativity is moving beyond old territory, into unexplored territory. This will only benefit mankind.

    Driving stick is not creative, it does not make anyone think. You like it, but to mankind it is a useless anachronistic nuisance. No Human can out-shift a computer.

    I work with 1150 people that make, from the ground-up, cars that drive themselves. If you don't recognize that as thinking creatively, and challenging your peers, then you might be blind.

    Yeah, that's not a thing for this board, but it is a thing for the real world. The past is dead, long live the past.

    Don't begrudge people new technology, or new pathways of creativity, just because you are not interested in them.
  6. Truck64
    Joined: Oct 18, 2015
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    from Ioway

    Hormel Cure 81 hams, I guess the other 79 or 80 cures weren't very good
  7. gimpyshotrods
    Joined: May 20, 2009
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    They remained sick. #81 cured the illness. Poor little piggies.
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  8. The37Kid
    Joined: Apr 30, 2004
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    Does anyone know why the ON and OFF switch was changed to a POWER switch?

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  9. loudbang
    Joined: Jul 23, 2013
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    The microwave oven was the result of a scientist "looking into" microwaves themselves. One day when they were working it melted a chocolate bar in his pocket and the lightbulb over his head came on, well we could heat all kinds of foods with one of them, pretty smart.

    BUT then I think if he was exposing himself to enough microwaves to melt a chocolate bar across the room how long did he live after that. :rolleyes:
    chryslerfan55, wraymen and MMM1693 like this.
  10. rudestude
    Joined: Mar 23, 2016
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    And that's how it all started....once you figured out you could do that I would think every night would be bath night...just saying...

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  11. Kerrynzl
    Joined: Jun 20, 2010
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    Whenever somebody says to me "you're smart"
    I answer "Is that Smart Clever or Smart Ass?"

    or whenever somebody says "You're a clever bastard"
    I say "Yeah I hear that a lot, but they usually leave the clever part out"
    chryslerfan55 and Deuces like this.
  12. Deuces
    Joined: Nov 3, 2009
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    Mountain oysters???? No thanks! :confused:o_O:rolleyes:
  13. Deuces
    Joined: Nov 3, 2009
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    The P-51 was the hot rod of the sky back then.... It still is!
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  14. Deuces
    Joined: Nov 3, 2009
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  15. Mr48chev
    Joined: Dec 28, 2007
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    My problem is that I am always thinking something up that could be useful and not following up on it and then two or three years later someone else shows up with it and makes a ton of money off it.
    A few years ago I did design a system to raise the mast on my sailboat without a fight and have it be much safer in the process. I've never seen another setup like it to this day but it turned a real battle into a simple one man process that can be accomplished in a few minutes.
    We take a lot of advancements for granted and some of the younger members have never lived without a lot of them.
    Remembering back to the rotary phone that was often mounted on and outside wall of the living room or kitchen back in the 50's or 60's then the pushbutton phone and the "princess" phone. Now we have phones in our pocket that have huge storage capacity and that we can do untold things with.
    I remember in the early 70's when a fellow member on here told us that he had gone to a class on the then new electronic ten key adding machines and was told by the instructor that you wanted to tell the customer that you needed to take it back to the shop to work on it because when you opened it up there was nothing inside except a heavy steel plate to give it weight because the theory at the time was offices wouldn't buy it if it was just the flat piece that did the work in a small light case.
    In those same mid 70's in Waco I started College and the big whoop class was IBM key punch. Those classes filled up in the first fifteen minutes of registration as that was the hot lick at the time The schools computer was about the size of two cords of wood stacked on top of each other and was sealed off in a glass room with if i remember right an air lock type of door where those who were allowed inside that glass room stepped into the air lock room, closed the door and then opened the door to the room the computer was in. Now you can buy a laptop at Best Buy that has more capacity and capability than that computer did for well under a thousand bucks.
    We see ingenious ideas on here every day in some of the build threads where someone has created a special tool that is quite often very simple and inexpensive to do certain tasks and make them rather simple that would take hour upon hour of painstaking work to accomplish otherwise. s
    Need is the mother of invention. About 28 years ago when I was working in a farm equipment dealership I talked fairly often to a hop farmer who was designing an overhead hop picking machine that cut the hop vines down from the trellises rather than have several men riding on a moving tower cutting them by hand and feeding the vines onto the trailer behind the machine. Some guys thought it was far fetched but now those machines are in just about every hop field at harvest.
    chryslerfan55 and loudbang like this.
  16. Deuces
    Joined: Nov 3, 2009
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    They got wood instead....:eek::D
  17. clem
    Joined: Dec 20, 2006
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    Just watched the film ‘Hidden Figures’, - absolutely amazing !
    chryslerfan55 and loudbang like this.
  18. The smart ones don’t get me as much as the utterly stupid ones.

    My mom always says ignorance is bliss. I would rather be stressed about the things I stress about the float through life dumb as a stump.
    Then you try and have a conversation with these people and it’s like talking to a crayon!

    Technology is advancing very quickly now days and it’s incredible the George Jetson technology that is becoming a reality. Going to space is just a regular thing now, electric cars, organ transplants, A.I technology the list goes on and on.

    I agree anyone born in the late 1800/early 1900 and lived a long life probably saw the most drastic and visible of changes then any other generation.

    What about cheese ? Ok let’s leave this milk here untill it turns into a loaf then eat it!
    Cheese is a loaf of milk !!
    chryslerfan55 and loudbang like this.
  19. alanp561
    Joined: Oct 1, 2017
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    Before the Jetsons, the late 20s through the 50s had the worlds of Buck Rogers, created by a guy named Philip Nowlan in 1928, and Flash Gordon, by Alex Raymond in 1934 with space ships and inter-galactic travel. In 1865, the last year of the Civil War, Jules Verne published "From the Earth to the Moon", a novel with space travel to the moon, which detailed many of the same problems run into by astronauts today. Verne showed a clear understanding of undersea travel in his "Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea". His underwater breathing apparatus served as a basis for modern scuba equipment. We have come as far as we have technically because someone had the idea that there was a solution to a problem. In real life, I would like to see someone build a better windshield wiper but wipers are probably going to be made obsolete by gimpy's self driving cars. No driver, who needs a windshield wiper.
  20. slowmotion
    Joined: Nov 21, 2011
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    Somewhere on this orb, there're genius's born everyday. And the beat goes on...;)
    Hnstray, Deuces, williebill and 2 others like this.
  21. jetnow1
    Joined: Jan 30, 2008
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    from CT
    1. A-D Truckers

    At least the crayons don't talk back, talking to idiots is more frustrating because they usually are convinced they are smarter than anyone else.
  22. GTS225
    Joined: Jul 2, 2006
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    Let us hope that you don't, in the long run, decide you made one hell of a mistake.
    The inventor of dynamite was aghast, and quite sorry he ever invented the stuff. His intent was to use it for only good causes, but we humans, (along with a "healthy" dose of government), just had to start, and continue using it in destructive ways.
    Even Einstein was unhappy with what we did with his most famous formula. E=MC2 was used as the basis for the atomic bomb. History tells us what that led to.

    Just food for thought.

    Ned Ludd and chryslerfan55 like this.
  23. millersgarage
    Joined: Jun 23, 2009
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    recreational weed is now legal in Michigan, I thought maybe you were partaking and pondering....
  24. winduptoy
    Joined: Feb 19, 2013
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  25. squirrel
    Joined: Sep 23, 2004
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    Maybe we should have paid the fees for this patent....

    (but it's been 17 years now)
  26. .......and in the not too distant future there will be one born every second or fraction there of. Ask Dr. Junjiu Huang from China.
    It's bad enough living in a world where everyone thinks they know everything. What's it going to be like when we actually do?

    Edit: Sorry I always get a little philosophical around the Holidays, Phil
    Last edited: Dec 7, 2018

  27. Blasphemy......sheer blasphemy! ;) It might not make you think(I believe it does) but it does make you part of the experience.
    Last edited: Dec 7, 2018
  28. lonejacklarry
    Joined: Sep 11, 2013
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    And, yet, people go insane with approximately 400 people getting killed with rifles and shotguns every year. That is about 1/10 of 1 per cent of the vehicle deaths.
    chryslerfan55, loudbang and The37Kid like this.
  29. 41woodie
    Joined: Mar 3, 2004
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    I looked at the photo for the longest trying to figure out what was holding the bucket off the ground. I finally decided that it was sitting on the boards but the debris scattered in front of it created the illusion. Weird
  30. X-cpe
    Joined: Mar 9, 2018
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    I think a lot of invention and improvement comes from a person looking at an existing product and saying, "I wonder what if ....". Then someone else comes along and looks at his and says, "i wonder what if ....". Occasionally there are major leaps and bounds, but usually it is incremental. It has taken about 130 years to get from "Damn, I'm tired of shoveling out this barn." to the cars we have today.

    Most new products solve one problem, but create their own. We didn't grow up in our father's world and our kids and grand kids aren't growing up in ours.

    When I get to feeling uppity, I remember what my buddy said when we started racing. "We might be smarter than they are, but they know more than we do."
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