All my neighbors love me. In the winter time I get my snow blower out and clear everyones sidewalk. If they are over 60 yrs old I will clear their driveways. I love doing it as they took care of me when I was growing up and now Im taking care of them. They make me brownies, cookies and give me $5, but its all worth it when we all hang out and shoot the sh*t about cars and how we hate the new people moving in the area building McMansons. The people next door have two boys who come over and hang out in the garage. I give them my old Rod & Custom mags. Their parents love that they areout doing something and not playing video games.
Yes. First it was the car. Then it was the shed I had built to hold the car parts. Then it was the privacy fence I had built to hide the shed.
i get along good with 2 out of 3 neighbors. one across the street is an older guy, laid back, and he really doesn't give a crap what i do. neighbors to the south of me are cool, younger newlyweds. they keep to themselves, but if i'm out workign on my car, and they happen to be outside, they always come over and say hi...and to see what i'm doing. neighbor to the north?? a TOTAL asshole !!! we've gone around and around about alot of crap...and he does shit just to piss me off (like throw dead tree limbs in my yard, shoot fireworks at my house and shit like that) he doesn't like me because i'm "one of them". i have no idea why all of his grass died after that. he loves it when i fire my triumph bonnie up at midnight...drag pipes at 12:00 midnight are like 10 times louder than they are during the daytime. yeah, i get payback for the dumb shit that he does. i don't do anything to him unless he does something first. there's only 1 other car guy in my subdivision, and he lives down the street. he runs a top fuel nostalgia funny car...and he keeps it in his garage. i love it when he fires it up in his driveway !!! seems like every other garage in my neighborhood is packed full of garage sale shit and kids toys.
Mine are cool. But my crap is only visible with the garage door up. Their kids love it. Right now the hood and grille are off of my F100 and from the alley they can see the bug-catcher sticking up over the radiator. This has them going nuts to hear it run and they are always bugging me to fire it up.
Our driveway is a 3 Car wide drive & 3 deep - and yes we manage to fill it up - so i decided if we parked them at an angle we could fit more. My immediate neighbors say it doesn't bother them - but there is one that kinds gives a hairy eyeball. So we moved two to the back behind the garage to try to hide a few. LOL
nope. guy across the road works for Holden so there is always some new 6L V8 thing parked in his driveway and the others I barely see. Where I used to live, the old guy at the front of the block loved coming down to my house and garage and having a chat while I had my car on stands in the garage... gave him a break from his missus. (she could talk.... a lot.)
Never had an issue with the neighbors since we got into the new house. My closest neighbor is 600 feet away! Before that, we had what we called the "Little Crackhouse on the Prairie" across the street. The man living there had an extension cord running from his Mom's house next door to him so he'd have electricity, plus a hose from her house for running water! Anyway, a tornado did significant damage to his house, and it ended up getting demo'd - and he lived in that wreck up to the last day! Once he was gone, no problems. I was always concerned him or one of his crackhead buddies would rip me off, but I let him know early on I was armed and armed WELL, so they really weren't a huge problem.
For the last 25 years I have lived just outside of town..we all are on 5 acre lots. When the first homes were built we were all just working guys..wanting to be away from the city. I do motorcycles and sports cars and rods. Since then the city came to us.. Property prices went fukin nuts..folks in new exotics..Hummers..etc..Chad & Muffy in pressed shorts.. My neighbor all this time on my right does concours winners. He also does Hot Rods..we get along just fine.. The guy accross my road..he is chief mechanic and crew chief for a vintage CanAm team with a Lola T160..and a new project..T310. We get along just fine.. Thursdays..the sounds of the tune up sessions..are awesome music..if you like BBC rappin' and snappin'... I could not live closer..good fences make good neighbors..unless you share tools..!
On one side is an old school teacher. She must be around 80 now. She doesn't like anyone except me. On the other side is an old hippy. Nothing bothers him.
My neighbor recently went to the hospital for an operation, he had a penis extension. I thought it was because he was suffering from ED and I felt sorry for him. Turns out he was just looking for attention. He is now officially the Biggest Prick in the Neighborhood. I don't think running my planishing hammer after 10 pm should bother anyone if the big door is closed. The radio drowns out the noise.
The old guy on the left tries to hide from his wife, leeechy kids, and even leeechier grandkids in my garage. Hes never around for more then 10 minutes before someone is looking for him. The other neighbor totally hates me, but hes building a nice privacy fence as i type this.... I even like the color.
My wife gives me that look everytime I bring home another car......I thought she was just getting turned on!!
Yup, my neighbors talk about me all the time because I got loud engines and they think I hate kids. Ummm, that could be true. Keep em away from my shit! But its funny, when the wife's hot girlfriends are over or I'm havin a Car get together,suddenly they all want to be my buddy. But I think their all assholes, driving my property value down by parking Japaneese shit all around B
My neighbor hated me so much it killed her~~~(HATERS get CANCER)~~~ First week she wanted me to move my nice new 10 x 10 shed (that matched the house) she could see it from her window. whatever The next thing she was knocking on the door saying my ants were coming in here house. Morewhatever Then she started calling the fire dep. whenever I lit a fire in my fireplace. The last time she did that, I pounded on her door and said WTF. She said that she was afraid I was going to burn down here house. My reply was " keep it up, I just fuckin mite BITCH" A year or so later the mid 40’s liberal dike bitch was dead and a cool HD riden couple moved in.
For some reason that was crackin me up. I speak to three of my neighbors. Two are in my garage every thime it is open and the other started collecting parts to build his RPU- he was a boat guy for the last 10 yrs. I like to think I may have worn off on him.
My neighbors love me. I am the best goddam neighbor anyone could ask for. The neighborhood men love my '55 and wish they had one like it. I keep my grass cut and edged, the yard clean, kids under control. The sub-prime mortgage collapse forced out the people who had no business applying for a home mortgage and now it's frigging nirvana around here. I could use another real car guy around here though (besides me).
Not to brag, but I've got everyone beat. My neighbor and his "condition" are so bad, our fued has made it all the way to the governers office and been published in the news paper. I can genuinely say that I have the neighbor from hell or beyond. Thank God for open headers and smokey burnouts, don't know how i would cope with out. Jon
Yes! Great Car-Great Guy! I've also seen some neat pics of your 55. getting the radius treatment. Was thinking of both those cars when I stumbled on a small poster of Revell gassers at skagit swap last fall. I think you may have seen it. B
I have moved around a lot and had good neighboors and angry ones. My favorite was a lady that my wife and I called Mrs. Crabtree, and then I forgot her real name was Beth one day. She go mad at us getting ready for a garage sale at 5 AM, what a bitch. When I lived in Indiana people were all real nice. They didn't care when I worked in my garage till 4 AM. They didn't care that I worked on my truck for 3 months straight every weekend till the sun came up. As you can see by the picture from when I finally got to lay primer. Now I live outside Washington DC, only half my neighboors speak english and they all keep to them selves. I have a couple of cool neighboors, one of which I helped paint a car in his garage last year. I do all my work in my garage and don't let them see what I am doing. I don't want to make the HOA mad. But if I do I guess I don't care we will be moving again sometime. I think they shit bricks when I had this show up... It was a sad day when I sold it, but at least it went to a fellow Hamber.
They are about to move in so we will see.I am throwin a party when thay move in with loud cars and bikes,and speed metal.
i live in a mobile home park with old people :[ on the left of me is a mexican family who does everyones yards in the neighborhood EXCEPT OURS, and to the right is this asian woman who i rarley ever see. and in front of us two empty mobile homes for sale. but our little mobile home association HATES ME. i had my 1958 ford on the street one day, and i go out there getting ready to go to school, and there is a HUGE ORANGE BIO-HAZARD sticker on my windshield. saying "this vehicle must be removed in 48 hours or it will be towed away. our association does not support non-running vehicles"... blah blah blah, something about being an eye-sore. i about shit a brick i was PISSED. they even made my dad replace the glasspack exhaust on his old 65 mustang because it was to loud.... have no idea what they're gonna say once i bring home my 58 with the new y-block. gonna have open headers for a few days till i get the exhaust on there.
The neighbors may hate me...but the cops stop by to see and talk hotrods and since I'm in the county and I'm all paved with commercial lettem hate! This was my mess today!