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Projects Dodge This - 1939 Dodge Southeast Gasser Build

Discussion in 'Traditional Hot Rods' started by Dog_Patch, Aug 12, 2014.

  1. dirty old man
    Joined: Feb 2, 2008
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    dirty old man
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    Fingers crossed on weather. Accu-weather .com says 40% chance of showers and thunderstorms in Greer Sat.
    Planning on driving up in my newly purchased '40 Ford coupe to watch. Hoping to convoy with some of the rest of Sock Fuckers and friends.
    But as good as these guys are on helping out a brother, and they were a huge help on BGII (my roadster), they are truly as tough to get to make any plans more than a few hours in advance as cats are to herd. :)
    Last edited: Apr 22, 2015
  2. Mitchell Rish
    Joined: Jun 10, 2007
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    Mitchell Rish
    from Houston MS

    Very nice , very nice indeed.
  3. dirty old man
    Joined: Feb 2, 2008
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    dirty old man
    Member Emeritus

    Every weather forecast except Accu Weather has 100% rain forecast for Greer Sat. and AW has upped theirs to 60% for Sat afternoon.
    Quain, do yall have a rain date? Also, when will you announce a decision?
  4. Quain Stott
    Joined: Nov 21, 2006
    Posts: 2,058

    Quain Stott

    We are going to make a decision sometime Friday. If we have to cancel (and I hope we don't) it will be set for the next weekend May 2nd. That's going to be closer to the Steel in motion than we want but we have no choice because we have to be in Knoxville on the 30th.
  5. Don't worry Patch Work Orange, the ole Child has plenty of oats to take the sweat out of a hemiroid powered "Chick w/ Herpes"
  6. Though you were building for the SEG'S, not the STD's.
  7. The Childs been dieting & taken her vitamins, while you were fixing those "other" pistons. Pretty soon, she's gonna be leaving that ole "Skipp'n Turkey" in the dust of her Hoosiers.
  8. dirty old man
    Joined: Feb 2, 2008
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    dirty old man
    Member Emeritus

    Damn, I love trash talking! Go yall!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  9. Rain or no rain, it sucks to be stuck in Canada when all I want to be doing is heading to Greer on Saturday.
    Mac30 and tylercrawford like this.
  10. Cabbage
    Joined: Apr 17, 2006
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    1. S.F.C.C.

    Last night was another late one. The door art got its outline and a few details. Lots of long lines in a very dim garage plays tricks on the eyes : ) Tony is still fighting a gang of rebel gremlins that have held up tight in the big Chrysler. We think the last strong hold has been located and will be purged soon! Stay tuned.
  11. Mighty fine lettering job there Russ :cool: Keep thrashing Tony, it's getting there!
  12. dirty old man
    Joined: Feb 2, 2008
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    dirty old man
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    Question for Quain:
    Quain when you make your decision for Sat. Where will you post it?
  13. Tony, you and the guys are knocking that out in record time! Damn I see why Dave talks ya'll up so much. I wish we had a bigger group like that down here. Shit I wish I could just find the time to get things done. Awesome job. Can't wait to see the car in person. I can't make it to Greer this weekend unfortunately so it may be SIM. Is it bad to say I hope it rains this weekend so I can go next weekend?
    Last edited: Apr 25, 2015
    GAOldsman and Dog_Patch like this.
  14. Quain Stott
    Joined: Nov 21, 2006
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    Quain Stott

    Yea I'll post it as soon as the track lets me know. Should be Friday afternoon. I'm keeping my fingers crossed.
  15. dirty old man
    Joined: Feb 2, 2008
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    dirty old man
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    Thx Quain, I'm assuming you'll post it here? or where?
  16. Quain Stott
    Joined: Nov 21, 2006
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    Quain Stott

    Yea if I don't forget, Tony is on my racers email list and they will be the first to know. I have about 100 places to post it so if I miss this one I'm sure Tony will cover for me and let y'all here know.
  17. Too tired to throw a punch at Yesterday's News :( so the shit talk will be limited . I didn't post this because it was not clear what the cause was, but - the radiator emptied into the crank case on the first start. It only happened when the pump was running. So a picture is a 1000 words and I'm only putting it here to hopefully help someone avoid this.

    Here we go - saw milky oil in the valve cover Sunday while messing with something - forget what now - decided to drain the pan.
    Yummy lets make pancakes!

    No choice but pull the heads. Not sure if you recall the earlier pics but the SCE Titan gasket has a built in seal - no extra seal needed - check the website.
    Well the seal was expecting a stock water hole. The Hot Heads hole is WTF ? You can see the seal and the oblong hole are not gonna match. Check the witness mark on the head.

    So after a couple of calls to Nick Smithberg, the plan was to clean the copper gaskets and spray 3 coats of Hylomar on them and re-try.

    After one damn long day - the leaks are gone! Tyler stopped by and we got it running.
    So the take away is - fill these damn holes with JB Weld and save a day :rolleyes:
  18. The artwork is looking bad as hell ! Here are a few shots


    FlatJan, lawman, elgringo71 and 4 others like this.
  19. Glad you got it figured out Tony.
    Great shots of Russ layin' down lines with Betty in the foreground!
  20. Thanks Brett! Cellphones are killing the camera business. Here's a nice one too -
  21. Glad you got the leak issue figured out, that could've been a whole lot worse. Hell I'm relieved, you've gotta be pretty damn extatic. WTF is with those holes?

    Car's looking great T, now let's see it wheels UP!
  22. enloe
    Joined: May 10, 2006
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    from east , tn.

    I can't wait to see it
  23. dirty old man
    Joined: Feb 2, 2008
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    dirty old man
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    Glad it's fixed. Assuming this means a go for Greer if the rain by some remote chance goes away in the forecast and the race isn't postponed?
    Getting weary of all this weekend rain for sure.!!!!!!

    As a PS if it doesn't get called, maybe one of us could drive the digger rig to Greer while you rest up a bit in the passenger seat, cause I know you gotta be bone tired by now, I would be already collapsed. but then I'm a wore out old fart!
  24. Tyresmoke
    Joined: Apr 9, 2012
    Posts: 171

    from Norfork

    Its 20:29 GMT 15:29 North Carolina time
    Is it all systems go?
  25. Cabbage
    Joined: Apr 17, 2006
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    1. S.F.C.C.

    Its 4:00 pm friday. Forecast still says 100% rain for greer. Whats the skinny Quain?
  26. Quain Stott
    Joined: Nov 21, 2006
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    Quain Stott

    Tony y'all can relax until next Saturday. It's called off until May 2nd. This is the first place I have posted this because I know y'all are trying the hardest of anyone.
    Mac30, Tudor and II FUNNY like this.
  27. Tyresmoke
    Joined: Apr 9, 2012
    Posts: 171

    from Norfork

    Tony you can chill for the weekend take the wife out for dinner then back at it Monday you deserve the rest.
  28. dusterdave173
    Joined: Dec 30, 2010
    Posts: 226


    Guys--I hated to see all that "milk"--hey nothing is hurt so keep on keeping on--been a pleasure to watch ya'll thrash--FWIW I think the Hylomar is the best stuff ever made--I spray Cometics and use them again and agian--that stuff is great! I have never trusted the built in seals on the Titans--Copper leaks water!!--I NEVER use it unless block is o-ringed already and I just HAVE to--Blown? Yea maybe but otherwise I like Cometics or good old O ringed Fel Pro--a little secret on copper is to run a radiator cap with very low pressure--it will help stop water leaks in their tracks--Don't be shy about using RTV around every water hole as well--it is usually needed in my experience.
    Wish you the best, can't wait to see your car--I came within a week of having my car ready for SIM last year but missed out--so I took my time until this year and am solid ready--watching you guys thrash made me feel a little like I wimped out last year but then--seeing what it really took to get a new machine sorted after I did get runnning let me know I did the right thing--By July you guys will have it whipping ass and running like it was 8 years old Kudos to your giant effort gang!!!!!!!!
  29. Brand Apart
    Joined: Jan 22, 2011
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    Brand Apart
    from Roswell GA

    tylercrawford likes this.
  30. Awesome dusterdave ! I have a set of Cometics but the bore notch is real tight with them. I almost pulled the plug on the copper and tried them. They are there for an emergency pits gasket swap :) also bought a spare can of Hylomar. Looking forward to seeing you run too!

    I'd like to say "bummer it rained" that would be lying o_O man one more week will help a bunch. If I can get it sorted out enough, I plan to run up to Commerce Sunday to put it on the scales and see if it can even go up and down the return road. :cool: Just want to get a feel of the seat.
    allwilly likes this.

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