Seems like every time that I post somethig I am told that I did not log in, then I lose my post. Yes I logged in !!!!!!!!!!!!! Does it kick me off after a certain amount of time?????? Really pisses me off!!!! Goldy
Gottsta click the remember me box. If its long or detailed, type it into a word document then paste it into a post
the only time I have to log in is when i do something to my computer like clear my cookies, then I'm good until I do it again.
yes it has a time out , when you say rat rod you have to go stand in the corner and study photos of traditional cars till you get it , then you can come back and play nice ,
I had to keep logging back in all day on my desk top computer ( more than 4 times) and I did check the remember me box. When I do the HAMB on my iPad it's one time to log in and I don't get bounced out. Same with the HAMB on my iphone5. Works perfectly. Whats with that???
If you're typing a lengthy response you can type it up in Wordpad or Notepad as listed above. Then you can Copy and Paste it into the forum Reply box. Or you can type it directly into the Reply box. But before you click the Submit Reply button press "Ctrl+A" to select your copy and then "Ctrl+C" to copy your reply to the Clipboard. It's like a temporary storage area in Windows. If you get logged out or something else gnarly happens, just reopen the response box again, click your cursor in the response window and press "Ctrl+V" to paste your copy back in from the Clipboard.
Thanks guys for the help and advice !! I can't even spell rot rad, so I'll stay out of the corner for a while.! From now on I'll click the remember me box and see if it remembers me.
Sorry for the hassle. That problem happens when your browser is out of memory. Here is how you can beat it: 1. Clear the cache and temporary internet files from your browsers memory. 2. Next time you login, click the "remember me" box. After that, you will be good to go! Thanks,