Well, after a few minor set backs, and plenty of rain, I finally got the bomb drivable. Here it is, just have to stripe the hood, pop some more trim on and at some point get the interior done....but that don't hinder driving it Thanks to all who shared your input and especially Alex Gambino and Phil (RustyPipes) When I got it
Thanks guys.....it's nothing crazy, but I think it's tastefull anyhow.... The red flake on the roof pops pretty nice in the sun, but the cam cant pick it up.... 52 STVBLT: The bull nose came from night prowlers ... $30 bucks 37Hotrod......Those plates become toe cutters if you happen to be standing to close on air out
May have missed an earlier post on this but what's under the hood? Photos, if you have any, would be great.
Hey man, damn good job. Git your ass down here so we can cruise it around a bit. Hopefully I'll see you at the Road Agents show or somehting in the area.
Would love to, I was actually thinking of heading to the Rumblers show in NY...probably taker me 2 days to get there but what the hell
Hey if ya do you're welcome to stay at our place. That show rocks, maybe I'll have a friend to park next to Def check out the Road Agents in East Hartford Conn if you haven;t already. Great show and wouldn't be too bad a ride I don't think.
Cool deal, I'm gonna try to get a few miles on it this weekend to see how it goes....if it feels good, Ill definitely try to make it.