Looking for any information on if anyone makes repo door latch like this. It's from a '49 international kb but looks like what I find pics of '40ish Ford cars. Haven't been able to find any. Thanks, Bill
why would you expect there to be a reproduction door latch for an International truck? They only go to the trouble to make parts for popular cars. And just because it has the same general design as other latches from the era, it really looks nothing like a 40 Ford latch.... Maybe you could adapt a Ford latch to fit, or do like most guys and do the metalwork needed to install generic bear claw type latches.
International used a latch made by Ford for late 30s early 40s cars. I was just hoping someone might recognize what it was used on .
From what I find it is close to F1 door latch. There are some on the bay that are exactly like it but hate to buy another wore out one. Thinking about getting new repo F1 latch to try.
I have taken Ford latches apart and repaired the pieces that need it. Its not difficult. Add a few drops of melted metal on wear points. I have used a correct size nail for a replacement pin.
Here's a couple pictures of a '35-'36 LH door latch for comparison. Early '37 would be the same except it would be flat instead of having the recessed mounting hole.
What parts are worn ? Should be all steal , maybe some brass , bronze. They can be welded ,Brazed , (to fixed) Spring can be tricky , but accomplished Tools needed thou
Ok. I got brave and took latch back apart. After a good cleaning found some wear on one part and another that looked slightly bent. Did a little welding,grinding and straighting and seems to be working again. Thanks again.
Parts will interchange on lots of latches. I rebuilt some 32 units. Used the parts from other thirties latches. Little welding an grinding.