Nice.. I've seen those heads ported by useing a hole saw to open the manifold by cutting holes across from the ports to gain access to them. Ported. Then putting the pieces back to close the holes. Worked like a champ.
Well I welded them up 2night and I'm happy with the outcome. I learned a couple of things though, CLEAN, CLEAN, CLEAN and when you think it's clean enough CLEAN it AGAIN! I should of filed all the areas I welded instead of grinding and I shouild of filed the area larger than I had. I used 3/32 Brazing rod and all went pretty well UNTIL I hit a contaminated spot and overheated the damn thing. O'well I can live with one small crack, JB Weld to the rescue I'll post photos 2morrow
I have seen the manifolds cut right off and stubs with flange welded in after porting so a new manifold(s) can be fabricated/fitted...
AHH, Grasshopper....... you have seen the realization that one spot of crud can cause much painintheass. Once you get it painted no one will know. MORE HOLES ROCKY.......weight is your enemy.
144 in. All of this time I thought that you were running a 200 in. I was not aware that a 144 was still in production in 68. Ford even droped the 260 V8 in aug. 64. I do like to see more engine types used though. Keep up the good work, it looks great. Joe
WooHoo they are mounted, fuel lines plumbed and run great! They past the "Stomp Tune" test and we hope to get the throttle hooked up and make shake down passes in front of the house this weekend.
ditto.... One of 'our' oz cars has the same kinda build & engine, was the 'cheapest' of the lot to build, but is the most consistant, and reliable little sucker of all cars, maybe not the quickest, but a real example of what can be done with focussed passion and effort, letting nothing stand in his way from having 'a go'. Cheers, and great to see, Drewfus
Well we finally got her out for a couple of runs and it seems stronger (probably wishful thinking ) and doesn't miss, fart or bog. Soon as we can get to a test&tune we will! Rocky
Hey Rocky.. Go to my thread "Just another one" And tell me what you think of my Chev, Manifold.. Good or Bad...
Thanks Tom the front end is coming off and getting the "Hole" treatment and I'm getting together the brgs to mount my wire wheel. I'm short on funds so it's time to lighten it up!
OK Tom this one's for you I finished drilling the axle and "ventilating" one wish bone. I still have some finish grinding to do on the wishbone which I'll let Lee do. Besides the axle and wishbone mods I also prepped my spindles and picked up the wheel brgs for my 16" Harley (I think) motorcycle wheels. The wheels have been modified to accept Timken brgs and are going to really lighten up the front end, Thanks Thingy'. I did some weight comparisons and came up with a 40 lb wieght savings. The axle shaved 1 lb, the wish bones 2 lb ea, but getting the F-1 spindles, hubs and steel wheels off really made a difference. Can you guys remind me what the wieght savings will equate too in HP? And one more question, The spindles I have are the style that has the thrust bearing in top. What do you guys think about not using it? I know I had an old JR Fuel chassis that I believe was only shimmed and didn't use the thrust bearing. I posted a photo with and without. I' fired up about DragFest and can't wait to get together with you guys again. Rocky
Damn, she's starting to look like a "SoCal car". We also started with the mechanical brake spindles and shortened the kingpins, leaving only the lower spindle pivot and a washer to handle the load. It's working out just fine, and our front end has to suffer carying me ........... Just don't remove any more connecting material from the lower pivot than you absolutely have to. ps. I think the spoke tape needs to go all the way 'round the wheel to break the beams ......
Cool progress Rocky. That axle looks great, you have six more holes in yours than I have in mine and the Harley wheels really set it off. Like Dick said, we are going to have to make you an honorary SoCal guy. Patti said to tell you it looks great too. Make sure you use high quality cards...they have a better sound. You can get them from the local Casino.
Glad you got around to putting the spokes on.. It will not only lighten up the front end, But it sure will make it lookn like a REAL race car now..Lookin Good Buddy...NOW,,, How are you going to attach the wheelie bars..hehehe..... BTW.. I never put the bearings on top.. You are only going 1/4 mi..
Do you put a shim in there or grind another locating groove in the kingpin and shorten it (so it doesn't stick out too far)? Both?
I have some thick valve spring shims that we will put between the axle and lower side of spindle, then use the thin OE King Pin Shims between the top of the axle and the upper side to acheive a proper clearence. All I needed was a second opinion, it was too late last night to call anyone Thanks again for the support guys! Rocky
Well I just got back from the March Meet and although we didn't get to run the HA/GR we had great interest. ANRA and 1320 The Magazine allowed us to display the car on the midway and we had fun talking the car up today. On the way back to the trailer we ran it over the scales and found the car weighs 1235 LBS without driver. Lee snapped some photos to bring the thread up to date, showing the completed front end with our 16" Harley wheels.
Oh man ........ That's looking really sharp, gentlemen. Good on ya. Glad to hear they got the scales fixed, perhaps we can get an accurate weight on ours now.