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Drunk Driving... Things we should know.

Discussion in 'The Hokey Ass Message Board' started by Junkyard Dog 32, Jan 8, 2005.

  1. Uh,pardon me,,,, HEY,,Tman what the hell is a Donutivore,,,,I'm from South Carolina,,,,I ain't never heard of that! [​IMG] HRP
  2. happy hoppy
    Joined: Apr 23, 2001
    Posts: 2,327

    happy hoppy

    ELpolacko, alcohol was a factor in all of these losses.

    my cousin and her family were killed when a guy drove thru a stop light, and T'ed thier car.

    ( the fallowing is from what he said in court )

    he hit a bar on the way home, like he did most nights.
    then headed for home, he did not remember the crash only waking up in the hospial a day later. ( broke his arm, black eye, busted nose )

    I lost a buddie as a teenager.
    we were both 16yr.
    he was on his bike, got hit from behinde while he was on a residential street in his own neighborhood.
    the guy that hit him lived in the area, he had been drinking that day and was going out for more beer.

    another two buddies died when they went out to a club had one too many and drove into the back of a parked semi trailer parked on the shoulder of the freeway.

    OK I'll give you the last one, they could have feel asleep anyway.

    just answer this for me, anyone,
    do you HAVE TO drink and drive?
    will it kill you to wait untill you get home to drink?
    ( pun not intented )
    we take enough chances in life as it is, do you need to increase your chances of dying and taking the life of another with you?

  3. kustombuilder
    Joined: Sep 18, 2002
    Posts: 7,750

    from Novi, MI

    well i certainly don't condone drunk driving and i don't think anyone would (especialy the people here) but i do see Joe's point. the fines and fees have gotten out of control and the limits are often rediculasly low. i'm certainly not nieve enough to believe the government put these fees in place to discourage drunk driving. it's a money making enterprise.

    i think there is alot that can be done and needs to be done without bustin Joe Blow for havin a beer or two with his dinner.

    it's certainly a touchy subject and i think i'm somewhere in the middle on this one. i do thank Joe for the heads up though. you never know when that info just might come in handy for you. ofcourse if you get SMASHED and go out drivin, i hope you get caught.

    thanks Joe, i get where your comin from even if others don't.
  4. i don't approve of drinking and driving either , but i can see the point about the money ...the city i live in gave out over 1000 DUI's last year...yet the city council will not let any taxi cabs run past midnight on friday and saturday nights

    if they really cared , they'd have free cabs outside every bar

    i like to have a few ...but at home, it's too risky
  5. you know I thought long and hard about replying to this thread. you see I lost 3 friends in 3 separate alcohol related accidents. for those of you who don't know or remember I've been a deputy sheriff for 14 years. I've seen enough alcohol related accidents to scar me for life. I don't care if you like to drink...I do to...but don't drive. I've won awards for DUI arrest....I wish I never had to make a single one. Believe me...the ol' "two beers will get you a DUI" is bullshit. I've arrested plenty over the years and even the ones at a .08 were having a hell of a time functioning. I don't like taking money out of anyones pocket...I work for a living too and my paycheck doesn't increase for writing bullshit tickets. Don't drink and drive might run into a brother HAMBer some night when you think you were OK to drive. If you want to rag on me then go ahead....I've got thick skin...I've earned it [​IMG]
  6. Brad54
    Joined: Apr 15, 2004
    Posts: 6,021

    from Atl Ga

    Yeah, poor old down-trodden workin' stiffs who can't afford the heavy, mean-spirited fines imposed by our Draconian government. (Que violin music.)


    Unless someone threw you down on the ground, forced a tube down your throat and funneled it in, I don't see the problem with making someone pay huge fines for this. I always think it's funny how people bitch about never having any money, but they've always got smokes, money to go out drinking, and have an X-box and cable TV.

    And I'm just curious--yeah, it sucks that you only live a few miles from home and it started to rain and that you sat in the cop car while the beer hit your bloodstream, but why did you slam that last beer if you were getting ready to split? I'm not trying to be a prick or anything, but if you KNEW you were heading out the door, and even if you had a fresh beer in front of you, why not take a small sip or two and then go? Unless someone is really thirsty, they usually don't down almost all of any beverage in three big gulps.
    Why is it always such a crime to leave beer in the bottom of a glass, but not water, coke, whatever?

    And back to the huge fines--a slap on the wrist never really seems to do it, but when you whack someone in the wallet, it tends to make a bigger impression. You're still pissed about getting a raw deal, but if you hadn't, and they'd have just given you a $50 fine and a warning, you wouldn't change your behavior.

    You're all pissed about the fines and the money, and you think you were wronged in a big way, but you broke the law, and got the consequences. Wanna hang with your buddies? What's wrong with drinking a coke? This won't be the last time you have this kind of run-in. You're too pissed at how you took it in the shorts, and how it isn't fair.

    ("Donutivore"--now THAT'S funny! [​IMG]
  7. happy hoppy
    Joined: Apr 23, 2001
    Posts: 2,327

    happy hoppy

    right on Brad54

    BTW, the guy who killed an entire family of four ( my cousin ) is out of jail now.
    this fucker is alive, yea he paid fines, did some time ( 9 years, big wow ) but 4 people are dead 'cuze he wanted to drink.
    lets see, 9 years of your life , about 15K in lawyer fees and court fines equals 4 lives.
    this makes things even?
    tell me, how is this fair?
  8. kustombuilder
    Joined: Sep 18, 2002
    Posts: 7,750

    from Novi, MI

    you wanna talk about UNFAIR. look at what kind of jail time a person gets for possesing drugs then look at what someone gets for RAPE. something is a little askew here... you could get more time for havin a joint than for RAPING someone. in my world rape is WAAAAY worse than gettin high. and i don't do drugs AT ALL.
  9. HOTRODPRIMER, yer kinda thick [​IMG] Donutivore is a subspecies that tends to base their diet on Donuts. They often, but not always are on a sugar induced powertrip that make them 10 feet tall and bulletproof. Most folks know them as "Peace Officers" nice euphanism
  10. [ QUOTE ]
    Yeah, I think alcohol was a factor. And yeah, I can sit atop my high horse and preach. I drive, but never after drinking. Period. I agree there are too many fees, they should just take your license. First offense, a year. Second offense, ten years. Third strike, you walk for life.

    [/ QUOTE ]
    I know I am probably going to trod heavily on a certain part of my anatomy for getting into this discussion,but I feel that I must.
    I think if you check into highway fatality statistics for any given year,you will find that alcohol is(or was)a MAJOR contributing factor in mor than ONE THIRD of ALL highway traffic deaths EVERY YEAR.With roughly 40,000 people dying per year,that works out to about 13,300 people!Not an insignificant number by any stretch of the imagination.
    A couple of the biggest problems with this:people refuse to admit they have a problem with alcohol and:In a large majority of the cases of repeat offenders,taking their license away is about as effective as asking a fox to guard the henhouse.
    How many times do you read in the papers of someone involved in a fatal traffic accident having multiple arrests for DUI and still behind the wheel even though their license was no longer valid.
    I doubt there is ANYONE on this board who has either lost a loved one or a close friend to a drunk driver.I lost my future mother-in-law to a man driving drunk who not only killed her but himself and his wife.He was passing a guy coming up a hill and they collided head-on at the crest.The onlygood thing about it was they all died instantly.
    My brother-in-law came by the accident less than 20 minutes later and didn't even recognize his mother's car.
    My oldest boy who was 8 at the time was riding bicycles with his best friend and they came out of their driveway just as this drunken S.O.B.who lived down the street who had just had a fight with his wife came careening down the street going WAY over the speed limit and ran both of them down.He stopped,got out and looked,and then got back in his truck and continued on to the local gin mill where the cops arrested him awhile later.
    Fortunately my son wasn't hurt too badly but his friend was in a coma.His father,a local doctor,and the rest of his family had the wonderful opportunity of watching him live(?)in what is known as a,"persistent vegetative state" for SEVENTEEN YEARS before he finally(mercifully)died.
    And the driver?He had no license or insurance on his truck;it having been cancelled after his last DUI.I see him around town periodically and it's takes ALL my will power to refrain from driving up onto the sidewalk and running this lowlife over.
    Have I ever got drunk and driven a car?Yes;I'm sorry to say.The last time that happened was when my youngest son was about 7 and he was telling me how Mommy and Daddy were fighting in the car and how Mommy tried to bail out of the car on the highway.If you could have seen the look on his face as he related this horror story,you might understand why I gave up drinking(and driving)immediately.
    But don't take my word for it;if you know any friends who are in law enforcement,ask them.I'm sure they could relate MANY stories that would cause you to lose your lunch.
    As my old buddy,"Little Bobby Blake" used to say,"don't do the crime if you can't do the time";and you can take that to the bank! Rant'over;you may now return to your regularly scheduled program..............
  11. I'm going to straddle the fence here...

    If you tend to drink until you are sloppy, DON'T DRINK SOMEPLACE YOU CAN"T STAY AT! like a bar, when was the last time a friend said "no, you can't sleep it off on my sofa, get the hell out". What are you doing getting drunk with people who would tell you to leave?

    One more thing, if you are out driving at 2 AM, and even if you drank Diet Coke all night, a lot of the morons in the car next to you didn't. Another good reason to stay where you are for a few hours until they all get caught, get home, or the worst option, kill themselves or someone else.

    Here's where I straddle.

    A friend of mine was popped for DUI while eating a hamburger, sitting in a parking lot last summer. She went out dancing and drinking, she didn't feel comfortable driving so she figured she get something to eat and wait a while.

    There was a Wendy's next store to the bar, she walked over to the Wendy's, got a burger and then went back to sit in her car and eat it, and the plan was to curl up after eating and sleep for a few hours until she felt she could drive. Unfortunately, it's frickin' hot down here in the summer, even at night, so she had the A/C on.

    Yes, the keys were in the ignition and the car was running... So instead taking her story at face value and following another car or two out of the parking lot that were actually DRIVING while drunk, the cop took the easy way, and popped her. He could have watched her to see if she drove off, or er...idano... protected her until it was time for him to go elsewhere.

    So she had a $5000.00 hamburger that night.

    If you do get drunk, call a cab, sleep on a sofa, or (if you feel your car needs protecting) sleep in your car, just make sure you cannot reach the keys, hide 'em under the hood, behind the license plate or under the fender and tell the cop that your friends took your keys so you couldn't drive. I'm not sure if it'll stop you from being arrested for DUI, and your car will be impounded, but it least it'll give your lawyer something to work with.

    [ QUOTE ]
    I think if you check into highway fatality statistics for any given year,you will find that alcohol is(or was)a MAJOR contributing factor in more than ONE THIRD of ALL highway traffic deaths EVERY YEAR.With roughly 40,000 people dying per year,that works out to about 13,300 people!Not an insignificant number by any stretch of the imagination.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    It's not meant to be funny, but that means that 2/3rds of all traffic fatalities each year are by people who are SOBER! Another good reason to not be impaired yourself when you are out there.
    Joined: Feb 9, 2003
    Posts: 682


    It was 1982, Knoxville Tennessee.
    My bud Scott (HAMB lurker)had just turned 16 and got his drivers permit. Got his dads 67 Chevy van and came by and picked me up(15 years old).
    The drinking was on!Two cases of el Tall Boys!HELL YEAH!
    We stopped by a store and picked up some grub and were just sittin in the parking lot Friday night (12:20 AM).
    Next thing I know I'm out of the van in a headlock and don't know what the hells going on,somebodys trying to kick my ass for sure!
    I grab the fucker around the waist and slam his ass into the van a few times,my bud Scott's screaming for me to help him and just when I thought I could get a better grip I looked down and thought "damn thems some shiny shoes he's a wearin!"
    Yeah I had hold of his gun belt also.
    I grab my head and curl up there on the ground as he hits me with that fuckin stick and kicks me in the back.
    He had a good time after that on me.
    They haul us off to the city jail and I'm done,I just want somebody to check me out and call my Mom.
    My old buddy Scotts so fucked up he grabs the desk where they are booking us and flips it over on the guy,I try to catch it but go over in the floor with it.
    So next thing I hear is "THEY" turned the desk over,god damn its on again,stomp,kicked and don't forget the legs cuffed to the hands!
    I do get to call my Mom that night but when I told her what happened she laughed and hung up the phone,I thought she will be here in a little while.
    My Mom shows up Monday morning.
    Oh hell yeah,sat in that cell all weekend! Across from my bud who was still fucked up I think till Sunday singing Joe Walsh songs(Rocky Mountian Way).
    His Mom and mine showed up Monday morning,it was on again,but this time because we were underage and the two cops had beat our ass so bad ( cops said they thought we were somebody else in a chevy van they were looking for.) the DA thought it would be a good idea to not charge him (Scott) if my Mom would be cool about them beating both my eyes shut,breaking 3 ribs and a few other nice things.

    I know its a long story but true.I have parts of a rib that sticks out my back and looks weird as hell to prove it.
    Never had a beer or drink since then,alot of guys give me crap about not drinking with them (had to kick one's ass over it,you remember Rick! [​IMG]) but this whole thing now that I look back could have been alot worse.
    The cop could have shot my drunk ass(they will you know!) when I got hold of his gun belt,Scott was way more fucked up than me but the dick would not let me drive.
    He could have killed somebody or both of us sure as hell.
    Ah the good old days...........didn't cost us 1 cent.
    Some of lifes lessons suck to hell!

  13. Brandy
    Joined: Dec 23, 2004
    Posts: 5,286

    from Texas

    We have all been there...and those of us who say Oh no I've never drank and then got behind the wheel is a damn liar. The thing that seperates us, is whether or not we have realized the errors of our ways and changed them. Too many times I drove from shows blacking out at the wheel. I made it home from Vegas only because a wheel bearing blew (thank God I didnt kill anyone). I had my stomach pumped 4 times in 5 months..Did I have a booze problem HELL YES! How did I learn my lesson? 4am, 80 mph, a 58 Chevy with drum brakes and a Highway Patrolman with a bright set of red lights. I was SO drunk I was puking down the side of the car. I got a $4000 fine for speeding (exhibition, endangerment, etc), but not busted for drinking (passed the TOUCH YER NOSE test). I got back in my car, waited til they pulled away and walked home. I've never done it since.
  14. Flat Ernie
    Joined: Jun 5, 2002
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    Flat Ernie
    Tech Editor

    I don't drink & drive to see how well I'll do on the test later on, I've just got no other way to get my car back to the house! - George Carlin

    Seriously - if we had drunk driving laws, that would be one thing, but we don't. We have driving under the influence/driving while intoxicated/impaired driving/driving with unlawful blood alcohol laws. What's the difference? A standard. What you are doing by saying that 0.10 or 0.08 or whatever means you are impaired is saying a one-size-fits-all amount of alcohol affects everyone equally. News flash - it doesn't.

    Now before I go on, I'm not condoning drunk driving in the least.

    In a perfect world, you would have a standard performance test. This type of test would measure cognitive & physical ability to include reasoning & reaction times. (Some industries have this in lieu of random drug testing BTW) There would be a minimum score to even GET a license (big problem, but not germane to the subject at hand). You could drink all you want, as long as when you got pulled over, you passed the minimum performance test (& no, touching your nose or counting backwards from 100 doesn't count - they're subjective - these tests are computerized). Or, option B, your baseline performance couldn't be affected by say, 20% or the minimum standard whichever is HIGHER.

    Here's why - alcohol affects individuals differently. That, my friends, is a scientific fact. I'm not talking about size/body weight - there's more to it than that. Even different parts of cognitive/motor skills are affected differently for a given individual and at different rates.

    The MADD propaganda has created a feeding frenzy. I'm not condoning anything here, just pointing out that nothing has changed, it's just got more visibility in the last 10-15 yrs. As a crim/pre-law major, I can tell you that certain crimes have a threshold they reach where nothing you can do will make it any better. Drunk driving is one of those crimes. (Incidentally, murder is another.) You can check it out with the FBI's uniform crime report (UCR) avail on their website if you like.

    The other issue is when someone quoted alcohol as a factor in 1/3 of all highway accidents (or something similar). Here's how highway statistics are worked - it's a checkbox system. Check ALL that apply (whether they are causal or not). If you're in an accident and your passenger was passed out drunk, alcohol was involved. Seriously. That's how the statistics are compiled. Just like speeding, lane change, etc. The "factor" doesn't have to be causal, merely present.

    It IS about money. It IS about a backhanded tax - nearly all our traffic fines are. And yes, there is implied consent - we agree to play by their rules in exchange for the privilege of driving. Yes it sux when people die, but people die all the time from stupid shit - life is not fair, nor does it owe anyone anything - that's not meant to be callous, just realistic.

    ALWAYS pay for the blood test immediately & refuse to blow. You will lose your license (the 5th amendment doesn't apply here - there are "exigent circumstances").

    You want safer roads? Have a REAL licensing procedure - it's FAR too easy to get a license. [​IMG]

  15. tarddog
    Joined: Jan 9, 2005
    Posts: 2


    Stop being a bunch of bitches. You know the rules. Break them and pay. Stop fucking crying about it. Do most of us do it? Yes. And if we get caught we're caught. Our fault. Wow what a novel idea! Taking responsibility for ones actions!

    Don't like the money your out? Well I guess your ass won't be doing it agian any time soon will you. Sounds to me like the punishment worked. It stopped you from doing it again.

    Now I don't give a shit one way or the other. If I catch my kids doin shit they know better than to do then they get punishment. I don't give a rats ass if they think its fair or not and I got a new flash for you...rarely do they think it's fair. You know what? Doesn't matter. Don't like it? Tow the line. If you don't and get caught you lose your right to bitch.

    Now as far as your post being a public service announcement to fellow drivers...get fucking bent dude. Put your pathetic little post of shit up next to a photo of one single person, one, killed by a drunk driver. Your shit don't seem that bad to me.

    Now if you'll excuse me I've got to finish printing out your post and responses junkyarddick. I got to take a shit and need the paper.

    pits off.....
  16. Morrisman
    Joined: Dec 9, 2003
    Posts: 1,602

    from England

    [ QUOTE ]
    I think if you check into highway fatality statistics for any given year,you will find that alcohol is(or was)a MAJOR contributing factor in mor than ONE THIRD of ALL highway traffic deaths EVERY YEAR.With roughly 40,000 people dying per year,that works out to about 13,300 people!Not an insignificant number by any stretch of the imagination.

    [/ QUOTE ]
    In the UK you WILL get breathalysed if you are involved in ANY auto accident, even if you happened to be sat still at a red light and got rear end shunted. Unfortunatly, if you are over the limit even a tiny amount YOU will generally be assumed to be at fault in the accident, and it WILL be mentioned in any court case, leading to Joe Public assuming YOU were in the wrong. The fact that you were over the limit WILL be pushed as a 'contributing factor'. You WILL recived a minimum one year driving ban, and hefty fine.

    That is probably where they come up with the saying that alcohol was a major contributing factor: the fact that certain people were over the limit, whether their driving or drunkness contributed to or caused the accident in any way. Statistics can be slewed in many ways.

    This is much the same as the Nadar like screams of "Speed Kills". I fly in 600mph planes all the time, and I'm not dead. Go figure.

    ps, I don't drink and drive, in fact I don't even drink, so I'm not defending or excusing DUI here.
  17. tarddog
    Joined: Jan 9, 2005
    Posts: 2


    Did you know...

    Approximately 18 million Americans — 8.5 percent of the population — meet the diagnostic criteria for alcohol abuse or alcoholism. (Grant, 2003)

    Beer is the drink of choice in most cases of heavy drinking, binge drinking, drunk driving and underage drinking. (Rogers and Greenfield, 1999)

    In 2002, an estimated 17,419 people died in alcohol–related traffic crashes—an average of one every 30 minutes. These deaths constitute 41 percent of the 42,815 total traffic fatalities. (NHTSA, 2003)

    Incidence of intoxication (BAC of 0.08 g/dl or greater) for drivers in fatal crashes in 2003 was highest for motorcycle operators (29 percent) and lowest for drivers of large trucks (1 percent). The incidence of intoxication for drivers of light trucks and passenger car drivers was the same (22 percent). (NHTSA, 2004)

    Of the general driving age public, 97 percent see drinking and driving as a threat to their personal safety, and 66 percent feel it is extremely important to do something to reduce the problem in terms of where tax dollars should be spent. (Gallup Organization, 2003)

    About three in every ten Americans will be involved in an alcohol-related crash at some time in their lives. (NHTSA, 2001)

    In 2001, more than half a million people were injured in crashes where police reported that alcohol was present — an average of one person injured approximately every 2 minutes. (Blincoe, Seay et al., 2002)

    The highest prevalence of both binge and heavy drinking in 2000 was for young adults aged 18 to 25, with the peak rate occurring at age 21. (SAMHSA, 2000)

    Impairment is not determined by the type of drink, but rather by the amount of alcohol ingested over a specific period of time. (IIHS, June 2003)

    Alcohol is closely linked with violence. About 40 percent of all crimes (violent and non-violent) are committed under the influence of alcohol. (Bureau of Justice Statistics, 1998)

    Alcohol is society's legal, oldest and most popular drug. (Narcotic Educational Foundation of America, 2002)

    Beer is the drink most commonly consumed by people stopped for alcohol-impaired driving or involved in alcohol-related crashes. (IIHS, 2003)

    Alcohol-related fatalities are caused primarily by the consumption of beer (80 percent) followed by liquor/wine at 20 percent. (Runge, 2002)

    Those drivers 21 to 24 years old were most likely to be intoxicated (BAC of 0.08 g/dl or greater) in fatal crashes in 2003. Thirty-two percent of drivers 21 to 24 years old involved in fatal crashes were intoxicated, followed by ages 25 to 34 (27 percent) and 35 to 44 (24 percent). (NHTSA, 2004)

    The impact of alcohol involvement increases with injury severity. Alcohol-involved crashes accounted for 10 percent of property damage only crash costs, 21 percent of nonfatal injury crashes; and 46 percent of fatal injury crash costs. (NHTSA, 2002)

    The intoxication rate (those over .08 BAC) for male drivers involved in fatal crashes was 25 percent, compared with 12 percent for female drivers. (NHTSA, 2003)

    The average person metabolizes alcohol at the rate of about one drink per hour. Only time will sober a person up. Drinking strong coffee, exercising or taking a cold shower will not help. (Michigan State University, 2002)

    For fatal crashes occurring from midnight to 3:00 AM, 77 percent involved alcohol in 2003. The next most dangerous time period for alcohol-related crash deaths were 9 PM to midnight (64 percent of fatal crashes involved alcohol), followed by 3 AM to 6 AM (60 percent of fatal crashes involved alcohol). (NHTSA, 2004)

    Drunk driving is the nation’s most frequently committed violent crime, killing someone every 30 minutes. (NHTSA, 2003)

    Those drivers over the age of 70 were least likely to be intoxicated (BAC of 0.08 g/dl or greater) in fatal crashes in 2003 – only five percent were intoxicated. (NHTSA, 2004)

    The rate of alcohol involvement in fatal crashes is more than 3 times as high at night as during the day (61 percent vs. 18 percent). For all crashes, the alcohol involvement rate is 5 times as high at night (16 percent vs. 3 percent). (NHTSA, 2004)

    The speed of alcohol absorption affects the rate at which one becomes drunk. Unlike foods, alcohol does not have to be slowly digested. As a person drinks faster than the alcohol can be eliminated, the drug accumulates in the body, resulting in higher and higher levels of alcohol in the blood. (Narcotic Education Foundation of America, 2002)

    A standard drink is defined as 12 ounces of beer, 5 ounces of wine, or 1.5 ounces of 72-proof distilled spirits, all of which contain the same amount of alcohol -- about .54 ounces. (NHTSA, 2002)

    Motor vehicle crashes are the leading cause of death for people from 2 to 33 years old. (NHTSA, 2004)

    In 2003, 30 percent of all fatal crashes during the week were alcohol-related, compared to 53 percent on weekends. For all crashes, the alcohol involvement rate was 5 percent during the week and 12 percent during the weekend. (NHTSA, 2004)

    There is evidence that heavier drinkers prefer to drink at bars and other person's homes, and at multiple locations requiring longer driver distances. Young drivers have been found to prefer drinking at private parties, while older, more educated drivers prefer bars and taverns. (NHTSA, 2001)

    Binge drinking has been defined as at least five drinks in a row for men and four drinks in a row for women. (Wechsler et al, 2002)

  18. Flat Ernie
    Joined: Jun 5, 2002
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    Flat Ernie
    Tech Editor

    FIgures lie & liars figure. Everyone knows you can make statistics say anything you like. Got any original thoughts of your own?

    Now go read the fucking rules, fill out your profile, & post an intro before you start lecturing me with BS propaganda - at least come up with an original thought - don't just cut/paste your propaganda of choice.

  19. willowbilly3
    Joined: Jun 18, 2004
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    from Sturgis

    OK, I skimmed a little so forgive me if I'm repeating someone else.
    I think we all agree that drinking and driving is bad, but I think it is unfair to target just drunk drivers and not ALL impaired drivers. I am not proud that I did way too much of it in my life. I don't anymore but I guarantee you that I could be .10 and still be a safer driver than 95% of the people on the road. I think a reaction test would be more fair. If you don't have a certain reaction time, you shouldn't be driving, whether you are drinking or not.
    And I would almost bet we get just as many people killed from drivers yapping on a cell phone or stuffing a Big Mac in their pie hole while driving. Probably even some with a MADD bumper sticker.
    My advice, don't even have one beer if you are driving. If you are going out have a designated driver or get a taxi. If you get schnockered you might think you are ok to drive in that delusional state when you would no doubt not make such a decision if sober, so make the decision while sober and leave the car home.
    Now if you do find yourself in the situation, do not give them any evidence to convict you on. Set in your car and look straight foreward. Hand your license out the window. They can convict you on obsevation and field sobriety tests. Slurred speach, red eyes and all that. Now you will loose your license for refusal but you will loose it anyway if they convict you. If you get to court and the cops have no evidence, any good lawyer can walk you. One of my best friends from high school is a lawyer that handles a lot of these cases. He walked a guy with .27 who was passed out in his car because they didn't read him his rights. (small town cop was stupid enough to admit it in court)
    I think a big part of the punishment is how much they can inconvenience you and hit you in the pocket book.
    And one last thing. The statistics are actually very manipulated. An alcohol related death is any death where an involved party was drinking and doesn't have anything to do with whose fault it was. You could be setting at a stop sign and get rear ended by a sober idiot and it will still be your fault and an alcohol related death if you were drinking, and you will be charged with mansluaghter.
  20. Fat Hack
    Joined: Nov 30, 2002
    Posts: 7,709

    Fat Hack
    from Detroit

    Fuck, I'm more afraid of assholes on cell phones or watching TV while driving than I am of the dude who is on his way home after a few rounds at the bar!

    Someone who has had a few (not talking about falling down drunk here) KNOWS they need to focus a little more on what they're doing, and...if anything...tend to drive a little slower and more cautiously.

    But, some jackpine fuckhole gabbing on a cell phone while swerving his SUV in and out of his lane represents a TRUE menace on the road...we're talking about rock-stupid yuppies who can't drive worth a shit if it's all they're trying to do, much less while being distracted or entertained as they "drive". (Ride behind the steering wheel is more accurate!).

    I can't recall ONE time when someone who may have had a few nearly hit me, but I've nearly been hit or run off the road by fucksticks on cell phones probably a hundred times or more.

    But, as usual, yuppies know there's no true penalties to pay for their stupidity, so they keep at it...driving as if they own the road and not caring whos life they put at risk.

    Society has targeted "drunk" drivers as their pet scapegoat, and the politicians and judges have cashed in on it. Truly DRUNK drivers are indeed a problem, but someone driving home after a few beers is far more likely to be targeted, although the actual threat that THESE drivers pose probably ranks somewhere down there next to antelope stampedes on the danger list!

  21. I have read thread this for a couple of days,,,even tried to throw in a little levity,,right Tman?

    Drinkin' and Drivin' don't mix,,,,

    In November 2003,,, 3 little girls were killed by a drunk driver that ran off the road and into the yard where they were playing,,,,

    This Drunk lives down the street,,,he was almost home,,so he got out of the car not caring,,,or not knowing what had happened and walked home!

    He is in jail now where he belongs,,,,,

    I am not without sin,,,,I have driven so drunk I wondered how I got home,,,,,,But,I quit drinkin' years ago because I was endangering my wife and kids,,,and all the other innocent people on the roads,,,,,,,and yards!

    Cost ya some money to get caught,Great!

    Everybody that gets a DUI should have to work 8 hours in a hospital emergency room on a saturday night,,,,

    They should be able to take your car and ya never get it back!

    I've been to too many funerals of family and friends,,,two were drinkin' and had a accident that did not involve anyone but a tree which stopped them before they got to town.

    I don't have a problem with ya if ya drink,,,,Please ,don't drive!

    BTW,,,,wasn't or own Sam killed by a Drunk Driver?HRP
  22. have you ever tried to give advice to someone who's been drinking? you know, Q:"do you need a ride home?" A:"oh no, i'm fine." and talking about knowing the risks when you get a license, how about knowing the risks when you drink and then decide to drive ? before you started drinking you knew the risks, did you forget somewhere along the line? by risks i mean not only crashing the car, but that someone with more sense (they're sober) than you might think you are unable to drive. so yes , you are arrested.
  23. Well put MR. HACK

    Alot of really good points, here.

    I don't condone drunk driving...
    but I don't think .08 or even .10 is "drunk".

    How many times have any of us, including the most staunch proponent of these rediculuos drunk driving laws, driven "tired"? Ever dropped a smoke and reached on the floor and crossed the center, or reached into the back seat for a CD?

    Those things have caused more near accidents, for me, than alcohol.

    I'm 40 years old. Been driving since I was 16, and grew up when it was okay to have some fun. As I said, I've NEVER touched another vehicle with my own...

    Here's one...
    Say you're in the back yard. You had a cold PBR after you cut the grass... You drag out the grill and throw on some goat burgers and crack another as you flip 'em... Maybe one more with your meal.
    SLIP-CRASH- "Whaaaaaaaaaa!!!" Your daughter falls over the lawn mower that you left out (Yer a bad dad, ya lazy bastard) and cuts a gash on her sweet little face.

    You're alone...

    You pick up your sobbing pride and joy and rush her to the hospital...
    Beeeep! (RADAR detector), FLASH-FLASH, "Pull over, fucker."

    "Sir do you know why I pulled you over?"

    "My daugh-"

    "Sir, have you had any alcohol today?"

    "Just a couple in the back yard."

    "Blow here, Sir."

    "Thank God for the HAMB !!!"

    Love Ya All...
    Don't kill anybody, if you can help it.


  24. Morrisman
    Joined: Dec 9, 2003
    Posts: 1,602

    from England

    [ QUOTE ]
    I am not without sin,,,,I have driven so drunk I wondered how I got home,,,,,,But,I quit drinkin' years ago because I was endangering my wife and kids,,,and all the other innocent people on the roads,,,,,,,and yards!

    [/ QUOTE ]

    There go I, my friend. I gave up drinking ten years ago, to save other peoples misery and heartache, not my own.

  25. scoop
    Joined: Jul 4, 2001
    Posts: 1,504


    Joe,I get your message,thanks. Hack you made a good point,there's things that people do while driving that are just as bad as driving after having a few, like getting a blowjob.Had a guy pass me on the interstate,I see his womens head bobbing up and down in his lap,now I'm sure he was'nt concentrating on his driving!
  26. Anderson
    Joined: Jan 27, 2003
    Posts: 7,521


    Yep, we're ALL gonna thank god and the HAMB for what you let us know one day JD32, I don't know what we'd do without you [​IMG]

    the majority of the people (I think) reading this post don't care about how to get out of it, since they aren't stupid enough to get in that situation in the first place.

    [ QUOTE ]
    Society has targeted "drunk" drivers as their pet scapegoat, and the politicians and judges have cashed in on it. Truly DRUNK drivers are indeed a problem, but someone driving home after a few beers is far more likely to be targeted, although the actual threat that THESE drivers pose probably ranks somewhere down there next to antelope stampedes on the danger list!

    [/ QUOTE ]

    As it has been mentioned a couple times already in this post, alcohol effects everyone differently. 0.10% for a guy like you or me may be nothing, but for some dumb frat chick who can't hold the alcohol, it may be more than enough to have her falling out of her seat.

    No, the standard limit is not fair across the board, but just because you're not "drunk" after a few beers doesn't mean a lot of other people aren't.

    And I SERIOUSLY doubt someone who is "concentrating harder" on the drive home because they have been drinking is a safer driver!!
  27. [ QUOTE ]
    Cost ya some money to get caught,Great!

    [/ QUOTE ]

    This is sorta one of my points, and I think, some other's.

    "Caught" for what?

    It sounds more "fair" in the UK, where "IF" you are involved in a trafic "accident", and you are impaired, you should be looked at in a dimmer light. But to be pulled over for a burned out bulb, or not even "driving", and get "caught"...?

    Who makes the rules?
    Who sets the limits?
    Who pays the price when they haven't "done" anything?

    Ever notice how you don't see too many cops and lawyers and judges... and other "good ol' boys" in this mess... but you see their vehicles in tavern parking lots and country clubs on a regular basis?

    I know more than one cop that has driven or riden his motorcycle drunk. I've seen cops (friends) go home drunk, and report for duty a few hours later, and DRIVE a police car.

    I'm sorry people died... but I didn't kill 'em. I just didn't want my alternator and distributor to get wet.

    The limits are getting lower...
    The penalties way too severe...
    Public defenders are not accessible in a first offense...

    How many people die from the flu every year?

    What if I had the flu and rode the bus, and some old lady died 'cuz I caughed a schmagg on her?

    Should "they" legislate some freight train that makes it "illegal" to have human contact if you KNOW you have a potentially lethal illness?

    Should I be "caught" for having a runny nose?

  28. Fat Hack
    Joined: Nov 30, 2002
    Posts: 7,709

    Fat Hack
    from Detroit

    Right you are about driving tired, J-Dog! I know personally that I'm a terrible "tired driver"...why I don't like to drive at night if I can help it. (Unless there's someone in the car with me...I stay awake better if I'm talking to someone!).

    I'll drive home after a few drinks, but I've had to pull my car over and sleep a while when trying to drive somewhere's just too big a risk. An hour or so spent sleeping in your car gives you enough rest to continue on your way, in my experience.

  29. [ QUOTE ]
    Yep, we're ALL gonna thank god and the HAMB for what you let us know one day JD32, I don't know what we'd do without you [​IMG]

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Listen, that was a joke... and I've tried to be nice.

    But... Fuck off!

    If you were in the same boat I was, you'd wish you had a good idea about what was happening... That's all.
    Just trying to clue some people in...
    You can't drive a hot rod with no license, and ALOT of my friends on this board drink.

    Maybe I'll do a post on what to expect during hemorhoid surgery, next week.

    Maybe you saw the poll I started last night. It's been deleted, but, I saw a near 50% turnout of those who never drove drunk and those that did (to any degree).
    The half that you do not represent might not share your view.

  30. Anderson
    Joined: Jan 27, 2003
    Posts: 7,521


    You are taking a situation like drunk driving and relating it to things whos severity is nothing like drunk driving. Getting the flu? Are you kidding me???

    I don't feel sorry for you or anyone in your situation in the least. Even if you weren't drunk, the laws were in place, and it was your own damn fault when you got caught braking them.

    ...and I've got plenty of years to study up on hemorhoid surgery before I need to worry about that [​IMG]

    What happened to the poll post?

    Edit: yes, I saw that post and voted. I was curious to see the results myself but they're gone now....fucking nazis. (I'm KIDDING). NO problem with people not sharing my views....I just hope not to be on the highway when they are.

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